Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

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I am getting worried now. I received an interview from Columbia on 2/25 but didn't receive an admission decision today. Is it possible that they aren't going to accept everyone they interview? Considering that the interviwer asked trivial questions, I was under the impression it was just a formality for those who would eventually be accepted.
I am getting worried now. I received an interview from Columbia on 2/25 but didn't receive an admission decision today. Is it possible that they aren't going to accept everyone they interview? Considering that the interviwer asked trivial questions, I was under the impression it was just a formality for those who would eventually be accepted.

im in the same situation as u. lets hope for the best
I am getting worried now. I received an interview from Columbia on 2/25 but didn't receive an admission decision today. Is it possible that they aren't going to accept everyone they interview? Considering that the interviwer asked trivial questions, I was under the impression it was just a formality for those who would eventually be accepted.

Me too. I did the interview on 2/17, still no news! I am getting more and more worried.
Me too. I did the interview on 2/17, still no news! I am getting more and more worried.

Wow yours was almost two weeks ago. I wonder what they're waiting for? Why would they offer such a generic interview unless they had already examined our applications and decided to accept us? It would make sense if they didn't accept us after a probing detailed interview with several technical questions, but not after such a trivial 5 minute interview.
Wow yours was almost two weeks ago. I wonder what they're waiting for? Why would they offer such a generic interview unless they had already examined our applications and decided to accept us? It would make sense if they didn't accept us after a probing detailed interview with several technical questions, but not after such a trivial 5 minute interview.

Are you going to make a call to inquire about it? I wonder there might be something wrong in their process.
Are you going to make a call to inquire about it? I wonder there might be something wrong in their process.

Tony, I would like to make a call. I really want to find out. I think if they don't let me know by tomorrow then I will definitely call them. If they somehow reject me tomorrow, then I will definitely call them to inquire as to why they would reject me after having offered me an interview and kept me waiting so long while other were rejected several weeks ago. I don't think there is something wrong in their process. I think we will eventually be accepted but it's likely we are not as competitve as those who were accepted several weeks ago. I can't imagine that Columbia would have a faulty admissions system. They are probably very precise in their admission offers and denials.
If they somehow reject me tomorrow, then I will definitely call them to inquire as to why they would reject me after having offered me an interview and kept me waiting so long while other were rejected several weeks ago.
Can the rejected applicants call the admissions office and ask for the reasons they got rejected ? I don't think admissions committee answers this type of questions.
Are you going to make a call to inquire about it? I wonder there might be something wrong in their process.
Tony, were you the person who stated that Columbia was not your first choice in your interview? Or was that someone else?
I am on the same boat. I did my interview on the 25th, and haven't received any e-mail yet. I think we should patiently wait at least until tomorrow, which is the day we are supposed to hear the decision according to the earlier e-mail.

Btw, I was asked the same general interview questions.
I guess most, if not all, of you guys are going to be the last ones to get in. Looks like they are not interviewing anymore. :(

Good luck ! direct admits, if we are lucky enough....lets hope for the best and stay positive
Did you get to hear anything from them?
I guess most, if not all, of you guys are going to be the last ones to get in. Looks like they are not interviewing anymore. :(

Good luck !
According to Andy they were supposed to send some admits yesterday also. None from this thread received any mail so does that mean its the end
I guess most, if not all, of you guys are going to be the last ones to get in. Looks like they are not interviewing anymore. :(

Good luck !

I guess the financial crisis screwed all of us. When I was sophomore and junior, it was at the heat of the crisis. I was not able to find any internship at all. Without any internship, it was very hard for me to land on a good full time job this year. As a result, I resorted to apply to graduate school and hoped to have a better job prospect after that. I guess a lot of students in the US, especially international students who attend colleges in the US have the similar situation, and share the same mentality.

Sadly, I haven't heard back from Columbia either. I am not sure if I could get into CMU, NYU or Cornell, given these are more competitive programs after all. But best luck to all of us! direct admits, if we are lucky enough....lets hope for the best and stay positive
Did you get to hear anything from them?
no reason to stay positive (at least for me), I didn't even get an interview invitation. Looks like they interviewed a bunch and accepted most of them. Now, they are going to accept applicants from those who have been interviewed and are still pending.
As I see it, the 25th was the last chance to get in.
no reason to stay positive (at least for me), I didn't even get an interview invitation. Looks like they interviewed a bunch and accepted most of them. Now, they are going to accept applicants from those who have been interviewed and are still pending.
As I see it, the 25th was the last chance to get in.
I agree with roni.. I think its over
I agree with roni.. I think its over

I disagree. Let's wait until tomorrow and see what happens. We also don't know how many will accept their offer, which could open up a lot of spots for everyone else.

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