Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

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I got an interview one week ago, same questions nothing since then. As a whole I think Columbia admission process this year sucks BIG time. Good Luck
I got an interview one week ago, same questions nothing since then. As a whole I think Columbia admission process this year sucks BIG time. Good Luck
Hi Adt,

Thx for your information and hope for the best for all of us. Do you mind sharing your background with us? So that we can roughly gauge where are we standing in the applicants pool? :D
My profile is nothing spectacular. After my application process this year I believe the two most important parts of your profile are your personal statement and your letters of recommendation. This is what actually distinguishes you from the others if your profile is around the average one. So make sure these parts are really good and you should be OK. If you need anything particular please write me a message. Good Luck.
Just got friday an email from Columbia reminding that I was rejected from MSFE but that my application is now being considered for MSOR...
finally get the interview invitation from MSOR. Need to call them on 24th or 25th. (I was redirected to this program from MFE.)

Hope this can give some info to the friends who are in the same situ with me and keen to join Columbia.
OK I got an email to call them on Thursday or Friday. To be honest I don't know if I am going to. I am kind of tired and a bit irritated by the whole process. Also on my first interview they told me that decision will be made by the end of the month, they did not mention anything about another interview. If I really cared about MSOR and if it was my only option I would have freaked by now. I am 90% sure that they forgot about my first interview and this one will be the same. Really unorganized application process with Columbia.
OK I got an email to call them on Thursday or Friday. To be honest I don't know if I am going to. I am kind of tired and a bit irritated by the whole process. Also on my first interview they told me that decision will be made by the end of the month, they did not mention anything about another interview. If I really cared about MSOR and if it was my only option I would have freaked by now. I am 90% sure that they forgot about my first interview and this one will be the same. Really unorganized application process with Columbia.

Strange! Why another interview? I think your suspicion is right. they might have forgotten your first interview...haiz...what a world...
The reason they mentioned in the email is the same: Thank you for your interest in our programs. As a final step in the process, we would like to ask you to call us to discuss your candidacy and interest in Columbia University.

What kind of admissions committee forgets who was interviewed and who wasn't ?
The reason they mentioned in the email is the same: Thank you for your interest in our programs. As a final step in the process, we would like to ask you to call us to discuss your candidacy and interest in Columbia University.

What kind of admissions committee forgets who was interviewed and who wasn't ?

Haiz...just give it another shot lor. Are you interested in joining them?Or you have other better offers? If you decided to go elsewhere already, then don't need to bother so much :D
I believe I am going to Cornell, however I am just writing this so people who are more interested know what and when is going on. And still their job is unprofessional if they what me to call for the very same interview (which is most probably the case but we will see). Good Luck too all.
Congrats to both of you. (Even though adt is not really happy with this lol)
Can you share us your profile sillypig ?
I just want to know where I stand .
I am not unhappy I just think this is not professional. I just had the interview. It was the same 3 questions. I told them if there is some kind of mistake because I already had this interview two weeks ago. They apologized and said it is their mistake. The girl was really nice and she said she is sorry I have to go through this again. I really have no problem answering the 3 questions again, don't get me wrong, I just think it is really unprofessional to interview someone and then forget you interviewed her or him. Good luck to all waiting ;)
for what it's worth, this isn't out of place at columbia, and it both solidifies my opinion of the program(s) and makes me wonder why on earth so many people think so highly of the program(s).

a few years back, i applied and was given the three to five week notice. i received admission to my first choice program and withdrew my application for consideration (approximately *thirteen* weeks after it was received, so only eight weeks late!). within two days, columbia informed me that i had been "rejected" (and i use that term loosely for obvious reasons).

of course, i received another email within the next week informing me that final decisions had not yet been made and asking me to wait a little while longer...huh? clearly no one has any idea what's going on over there.

columbia obviously wants to keep its admit rate low to make its numbers look good for future, uninformed students. that's pretty sad :(

for comparison purposes, my first choice school (and the one i attended) clearly posts on its website when decisions will be released and actually sticks to it. it's night and day, really.
for those interested with the final results, I just received this:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been recommended for admission to Columbia University's M.S. program in Operations Research.

I hope it is a helpful piece of information.
for those interested with the final results, I just received this:

We are pleased to inform you that you have been recommended for admission to Columbia University's M.S. program in Operations Research.

I hope it is a helpful piece of information.

Hi Adt,

I received the same email too. Does it mean that we got the admission?
I recieved two mails from M.S. Admissions Coordinator, one stating my rejection for MSFE ( though Adina had confirmed the rejection earlier this month ) and immediately a second mail stating I'm recommended for the MSOR prog and GSS is verifying the documents. I didnt even receive any interview call . Is it because my application was reactivated !!

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