Columbia University - Masters in Financial Engineering

Columbia MFE Columbia MFE admissions results

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I also thought of around the same number....and any idea how many they plan to give admission to? .. How many did they give offer last year?
Should the interviewee add the interviewer as friend on skype in advance or on the interview day? I don't think one can call someone who is not his/her friend on skype...Please let me know if I am wrong.:-)
Should the interviewee add the interviewer as friend on skype in advance or on the interview day? I don't think one can call someone who is not his/her friend on skype...Please let me know if I am wrong.:)

I will be adding them as a contact 10 mins before the interview...
Just had my interview with Columbia. The interviewer was a Phd candidate (had expected someone from adcom). Interview started on time and was a general chit chat.
Interviewer started with asking about my work and my career goals. Then he asked me how do I see structured products (my interest area) market in long term. Rest were the general question Why Columbia? (Interview giggled on my answer and said its good to hear so many good things about Columbia) Other places applied to? How will I fund my studies? and what if I don't get a call from Columbia, what are my next plans.

My interview went for more than allotted time. I think it lasted around 20-25 minutes.
I finished with my interview an hour back.

Interview started with an Introduction and "Why Columbia?" while answering this, I mentioned about interest in Asset Management, so he asked what area within Asset Management.

Then I was predictably asked the two questions: "Which other programs have you applied for and where do you rank Columbia among them?" and "How do you plan to fund your studies?"

After this, although I was expecting the interview to have ended, I was asked the cliched question "Tell me about an ethical dilemma you have faced in the course of your career". Thankfully I was able to make something up ;)

The interview lasted around 13 mins for me, including me asking questions to the interviewer.

Hope this helps to those who are yet to interview!

All the best :)
I gave my interview today..
these wer the questions

tellme abt youself?
why columbia?
other universities?
have ulooked at the cirriculum?
electives i want to choose?
was asked which risk is prominent in the coming years? & y
What is VAR?
explain VAR?
how do u calculate VAR?

Interview lasted exactly 10 mins..
A very short interview. 5 minutes. I talked a bit fast - hope that is not a problem.
1) Introduction and how/why I can/will be successful in the program.
2) Programming languages known (since I mentioned my work ex in ques. no1)
3) career goals
4) what other schools and what is your first choice and why?
5) Funding

no technical questions
It is necessarily a video call for everyone? I was thinking on taking it through skype on my that possible/advisable?

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