which one has a better placement? ALso, is there an internship in the columbia MFE program? I'm deciding if i should apply MAFM if I have an offer from MFE.

Questions on Columbia MFE

Hi folks,

Does anyone know the names of the books used for the following courses in the Columbia MFE program -

IEOR E4701: Stochastic Models for Financial Engineering
IEOR E4702: Statistical Tools for Financial Engineering
IEOR E4706: Foundations of Financial Engineering

Also, is there a formal programming class (C++ etc) included in the curriculum, or are students expected to learn that on their own..?

which one has a better placement? ALso, is there an internship in the columbia MFE program? I'm deciding if i should apply MAFM if I have an offer from MFE.


Each program at Columbia has its strong and weak points. I do not know about the other programs, but the MAFN is very much a "do it yourself" sort of deal. You will be informed about companies that come to campus for recruiting, but they are usually targeting a general audience not just Masters students. There is limited assistance as far as placement goes.

MAFN courses are open to the general public, and you need not neccessarily be a MAFN student to take them. Courses from other programs that are affiliated with the School of Enigneering can only be taken by those under that particular field of study.

If you are going to do MAFN , it would probably be wiser to do it partime while already working. That way, once you have already established good contacts in the industry you can leverage off them. For most fulltime students it is quite difficult to build these connections yourself.
I do not know about the other programs, but the MAFN is very much a "do it yourself" sort of deal. You will be informed about companies that come to campus for recruiting, but they are usually targeting a general audience not just Masters students. There is limited assistance as far as placement goes.
For most fulltime students it is quite difficult to build these connections yourself.

Hi. I was wondering if you speak from experience. Are you or have you been a Columbia MAFN student? I ask since in some of the other discussions, it seems to suggest that the Columbia MFE, MSOR, and MAFN students all receive generally the same career help or "facetime" with the companies... the only distinction being the individual degree titles. Thanks.
Yes, I am in my second term of the MAFN program so what I say is from first hand experience. Like I said before, I do not know about the other programs, perhaps they are similar as far as placements go. But I can say with a high level of confidence that any MAFN student that has gotten a job has done so by their own means.
Thanks a lot for providing first person account. I have been trying to reach MAFN alumni for quite sometimes with no success.
I emailed to all the contact info I can find on this site but it seems they are all invisible.

Do you know if the alumni site is active and how I can reach them to solicit for reviews of the program? Their alum forum link is broken.
Thanks a lot for providing first person account. I have been trying to reach MAFN alumni for quite sometimes with no success.
I emailed to all the contact info I can find on this site but it seems they are all invisible.

Do you know if the alumni site is active and how I can reach them to solicit for reviews of the program? Their alum forum link is broken.

Hi Andy,

I am not quite sure how active the alumni site is, having only used it a few times myself. If you are trying to reach past alumni, you might want to try to contact the program director as I'm sure he wouldn't mind providing some names to reach out to.
If the MAFN career services is not very helpful or effective, how effective is the "do it yourself" method? Do you see it working generally? More specifically, do you get interviews and calls when you send out resumes to companies? Thanks your your input.
I apologize for waking up a thread 2 years old. Basically, I am debating between MSOR and MAFN.
I would like to hear more about the question posted right above: "how effective is the do it yourself method at MAFN"

Thank you!
if you are debating between those 2, id suggest MAFN over MSOR. The placement is definitely better in MAFN than MSOR
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