Cornell University - Master in Financial Engineering

Cornell FE Cornell M.FinEng Admission Discussion

chasedream forum. An applicant said he received an email from Kathy. It is not a admission letter, but Kathy asked some questions, such as the offers you have received and are you still interested in the FE program. I assume it is an admission letter.
Did Kathy say the results will come out Wed or Thu only if they admit students from waitlist? So that implies people haven't received results are rejected?
As we are also waiting for student responses to our admission offers, it will most likely be known about Wednesday or Thursday of this week, and not before, if we can admit from our wait list. We understand if you are pressured by other universities to give them your decision, but unfortunately, I cannot give you any further information at this time.
seems like the three people wait-listed on this thread all got rejected afterwards.

anyone know of the chances to get off the wait list? I got WLed this cycle.
No, I didn't get an interview.
same here, I am not sure if WLed with no interview means you are more( or less) qualified for the program. It is a bit weird to me that they put us in the waiting list without an interview but not reject us if our profiles are weak compared to others.
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Hey I think my profile is pretty good except I don't have any computer science classes. Bout you?
Hey, honestly, my background is not strong. Only decent GPA from "target school" and a finance internship. My weakness is at finance area as I had very little knowledge about QF until late last year and my essay sucks. I think computer science knowledge and programming experience is essential for admission to "Engineering" programs and they probably wl you because of this. I guess you stand a good chance to be admitted in MIT program though.
Hey, honestly, my background is not strong. Only decent GPA from "target school" and a finance internship. My weakness is at finance area as I had very little knowledge about QF until late last year and my essay sucks. I think computer science knowledge and programming experience is essential for admission to "Engineering" programs and they probably wl you because of this. I guess you stand a good chance to be admitted in MIT program though.

Hey hopefully we both still have a shot. I know a lot of people without CS backgrounds getting waitlisted and some of my friends without a finance background got in last year.
Hi Cornell hopefuls,
I applied for the Cornell program pretty late and my application was complete well past the deadline...Any idea if this can affect the admission decision?

Secondly, I received a mail saying that my application for Knight scholarship is being considered and the results will be out by middle of march. Has everyone received this mail? Or does it mean that my application has reached an advanced stage as of now?

Please chip in with your updates ppl. The wait is killing us all. :eek::eek::eek:
I did receive this mail too. According to the tracker updates of previous years, next round of interviews(if any)/admits would start coming in soon.

I was told by my seniors "earlier the better" approach but it has not worked for me so far. BTW, due to some glitch university did not receive my GRE/TOEFL scores and once I had shared the transaction details with ETS they updated on 17th Jan for score reports. Will it be affecting decision ?
Well they won't consider the application unless its complete. So the mail for Knight scholarship indicates that they have started reading our application now. Rest assured, our applications have been considered and the results will come, albeit a little late.
Is it true that only the interviewed candidates are admitted?
Same situation here. I submitted my full application way before deadline. It's weird that they just started reading my application. Is there any possibility that it means we are already accepted??
Hi folks,
I got a decision today redirecting me to Applied Operations Research. Dunno what it's like, but it seems like the MSOR of Columbia. Sincerely waiting for more decisions.
Can anybody share updates on Cornell .Any hopes on making it to Cornell now? Did anybody receive updates on the knight scholarship (intimation date was middle of march based on the last mail sent in starting of March ). I have not received updates apart from it in last 120 odd days. Its getting quiet frustrating now :unsure:.
Hi guys
I applied for industrial engg. Since FE and Industrial come under same department I thought it will be helpful.
I got a mail from Kathryn saying my application is in waitlist. Decision will be out by april 15
Any one on the same boat?
If somebody wants to know anything about the program or housing in Ithaca, PM me.... will try to help you.

Good luck!
Dear Roni
I really appreciate that if you could tell us a little bit about the Cornell video interview questions.
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