Corona Virus discussion

I know most of the comments on this thread concern the potentially disruptive effects of current health crisis, but I thought I would go ahead and promote what I think is a great series of videos introducing the SIR model.

I am taking an MOOC for differential equations (Coursera) and was pleasantly surprised when I found these videos among the course materials. I don’t have the strongest background in differential equations yet was still able to take a good bit away from these videos so I thought I would share it for all the students that frequent this website.

Video 1:
The SIR Model - First-Order Differential Equations | Coursera
Video 2:
The Basic Reproductive Ratio - First-Order Differential Equations | Coursera
Video 3:
Solution of the SIR Model - First-Order Differential Equations | Coursera
I know most of the comments on this thread concern the potentially disruptive effects of current health crisis, but I thought I would go ahead and promote what I think is a great series of videos introducing the SIR model.

I am taking an MOOC for differential equations (Coursera) and was pleasantly surprised when I found these videos among the course materials. I don’t have the strongest background in differential equations yet was still able to take a good bit away from these videos so I thought I would share it for all the students that frequent this website.

Video 1:
The SIR Model - First-Order Differential Equations | Coursera
Video 2:
The Basic Reproductive Ratio - First-Order Differential Equations | Coursera
Video 3:
Solution of the SIR Model - First-Order Differential Equations | Coursera
With your knowledge of C++ you could solve them using odeint

(BTW most models are toys)
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