Course Selection

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I have one math elective left in my undergrad. Which should I go with:
mathematic modeling
modeling with linear algebra
real analysis
complex variables
numerical analysis.

it's kinda a tough decision. looking for some advice.
I will pick one from

1.numerical analysis
2.modeling with linear algebra
3.mathematic modeling
I will go with Modeling with Linear Algebra based on the fact that this course deals with something related to Matrix and their utilization in modeling.Otherwise i don't have much clue about what would be the content of this course.
Other choice for me would be Numerical Analysis.To me both course sounds similar as there are lots of Matrix portion in Numerical Analysis also.
Aren't first level real analysis and complex analysis supposed to be the basic/core courses for Math majors? Beyond that choosing such courses is a personal preference.Mathematical Modeling is something which you can give a pass.It basically discusses most of the maths you would have studied by now.
I will go with Modeling with Linear Algebra based on the fact that this course deals with something related to Matrix and their utilization in modeling.Otherwise i don't have much clue about what would be the content of this course.
Other choice for me would be Numerical Analysis.To me both course sounds similar as there are lots of Matrix portion in Numerical Analysis also.
Aren't first level real analysis and complex analysis supposed to be the basic/core courses for Math majors? Beyond that choosing such courses is a personal preference.Mathematical Modeling is something which you can give a pass.It basically discusses most of the maths you would have studied by now.

i chose an upper level linear algebra course instead of numerical analysis earlier on so that satisfied that requirement of my major. complex analysis is simply an elective. i'll post the course description for both numerical analysis and modeling with linear algebra.

Introduces the theory and application of numeric methods and error analysis; solution of nonlinear equations, interpolation and approximation, numerical integration, numerical solution of differential equations, numerical methods for solving large linear systems. (na)

Topics in linear algebra such as linear transformations, eigenvalues, eigenvectors and inner products. Applications may include rotations in space and 3-D graphics, stochastic processes, systems of linear ODEs, Fourier series, orthogonal polynomials and projection methods for solving overdetermined systems. (mwla)
if you already took that upper level linear algebra course then I would not take another. You have probably already taken at least two right? Real analysis or Numerical Analysis would be my choices..
if you already took that upper level linear algebra course then I would not take another. You have probably already taken at least two right? Real analysis or Numerical Analysis.

yeah i've taken elementary linear algebra and then linear algebra at the 400 level.
Yea, numerical analysis will probably include matlab use too, which is good. I really liked real analysis....proofs are completely useless in the real world but it shapes the way you think and approach problems.
I'd choose real analysis. Teaches you a new way of thinking about mathematics, and also to really understand numerical analysis you need to have done some real analysis, since numerical analysis is basically a subset of real analysis.
I hope you have already completed a course in Real analysis as it is generally a core course for maths major.If you haven't done any course in real analysis then obviously you should take this course otherwise i will choose numerical analysis.
Hi, I'd like some advice on course selection for the next term.
As it will be my last full time undergraduate semester, I'd like to choose carefully the courses that I'll benefit the most from and also look good on the transcript for MFE admission.

I'm interested in the following courses and need to choose 4 courses

Undergraduate Courses
Stochastic Processes
Mathematical Modelling
Monte Carlo Method
Mathematical Statistics II
Discrete Math Structures
Financial Econometrics (ECON)
Fundamentals of Data Structures (CSE)

Graduate Courses
Numerical Methods in Finance
Numerical Solutions to Differential Equations (PDE)
Stochastic Calculus in Finance

In addition to the 4 courses, I'll be taking Linear Algebra II and a Conjectures/Proofs course for the purpose of satisfying graduation requirement.

I've already taken an undergraduate course that's quite similar to "Numerical Methods in Finance".
I'm considering taking a graduate level course, thinking that it might make my transcript look better.

Is taking both Stochastic Processes and Stochastic Calculus in Finance at the same time a good idea?

Thanks in advance for your suggestions and wish you a happy and prosperous new year!
The undergrad stochastic course will likely contain a lot of topics of no use in finance -- maybe even nothing useful. All the three grad courses look promising. In the undergrad, Monte Carlo looks interesting but you could choose data structures or statistics instead.
I am currently a jr at my university which has a top 10 mfe program doing math/econ dual degree. Obviously I plan on applying to the program at my university, and I would like to take advantage of this situation and network as much as possible to help odds. After looking at their curriculum, there are a handful of graduate level math courses listed in their core classes that I can take as a senior. If I were to take some of these core courses, do well, and also establish strong rapport with my professors, would this be beneficial in the admission process?

Essentially what I want to know is how subjective are admissions for MFE programs? Assuming I have around a 3.4-3.5 gpa and a good quant score on the GRE, will making these connections give me a good leg up on the competition?
The undergrad stochastic course will likely contain a lot of topics of no use in finance -- maybe even nothing useful. All the three grad courses look promising. In the undergrad, Monte Carlo looks interesting but you could choose data structures or statistics instead.
Thank you bidbadwolf. I just found out that I may not be able to take graduate courses unless they are required for my undergraduate degree requirement.:(
I have a question, I'm a Math/Econ major and I have already taken an introductory object oriented programming course in C++, Do I need to take more advanced programming courses like an algorithm course to get noticed by an mfe school or is just the introductory okay? Thanks!
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