deciding on what course to take??

hi all
i am relatively new to the forum and like what i have seen so far. I am a finance major at a state school and i have become interested in math courses heavily. My question is for my undergrad, what would i need to take to prepare myself for a FE path in the future and which majors would help get me accomodated to this type of career. I love finance and already am familiar with the field in general but was just wondering if you great people could help me out a bit
thanks in advance
Probabilities, Calculus in all shapes and forms, Linear Algebra. Start with those
I am in the same situation, senior status undergraduate in finance who has extreme interest in a mfe program and am now pursuing mathematics for the necessary prerequisites. My finance professors have given some great guidance and through communications with several universities offering mfe, the following courses will be minimal for students like you and I to begin applying to mfe programs:

Calculus I, II, III
Linear Algebra
Differential Equations
C++ or programming (preferred not manditory)
2 semesters of calculus based statistics (preferred not manditory)

Depending on where you are going, the mfe program may have less or more stringent requirements. Contact some of the programs you are interested in to get a transfer equivalent guide for the courses offered at your current university. Hope this helps!
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