Do you buy all the books that are recommended on this site?

Do you buy all the books that are recommended on this site? I think some of the books are quite expensive, and I can't find them in the library. How do you go by reading all the books on the reading list? Did you buy a kindle to upload on? I know that these books are good investments and comparable to school textbooks, but I was just curious what people did to go down the reading list.
I have all the books in the Quant Interviews section and many book in other sections as well. At least one or two books in the rest. It's an accumulation of my journey like everyone else here. Most people first heard about this field through Derman's My life as a quant. Then they would got most of their books as required textbooks via MFE program. Then as they prepare for job junt, the books on the Interview lists. As they got a job and specialize in a product/language, they can pick from the rest.
I asked for the prices of some books in a local bookstore, it's not very pleasant, about $300 for Paul Wilmott on QF, and $200 for Shreve's book. Fortunately, I'm able to borrow them in my university's library, they have all of the books in the list.
I asked for the prices of some books in a local bookstore, it's not very pleasant, about $300 for Paul Wilmott on QF, and $200 for Shreve's book.

Jacksc... I am not sure whether this will help (as I do not know where you live) but Shreve Vol I is $35 and Vol II is $58 (with Free Shipping) on Amazon. I generally find them cheapest on Amazon.

Paul Wilmott on QF is $164
@Devdeep: I do know about Amazon, but now I could read these books for free, why would I spend the money? I have kept Shreve and Wilmott books for 2 months plus now.
And I'm not in the US, so the price the local bookstore charged me is not unexpected.
If your only option is to avoid purchase of book PDFs are cheapper at least. (if shouldn't be publically recommended)
You can't compare having a physical book in hands with flipping pages on computer screen. When you paying upward of $100,000 for a one year degree in this niche, cheap out on the books that contain the knowledge/interview questions that will help you pass that quant interview does not seem like a decision smart people make to me.
However many books you buy, you are likely to pay only 1% of your tuition fee which has the most potential reward upside.
Even without the fact that several book authors are active members here (Stefanica, Duffy, Joshi, Gatheral, Brown, etc), mentioning and encouraging book piracy are just bad forum decorum and will not reflect well to potential employers.
So yes, I think it's wise to avoid it at all cost, public or otherwise.
BTW, don't authors themselves allow PDF downloads? With charge of course...

This is not very common. I know APRESS gives you access to PDF if you buy the real copy. I think Manning might do the same. That's for technical books.
Even without the fact that several book authors are active members here (Stefanica, Duffy, Joshi, Gatheral, Brown, etc), mentioning and encouraging book piracy are just bad forum decorum and will not reflect well to potential employers.
So yes, I think it's wise to avoid it at all cost, public or otherwise.

From the same person who just showed me how to read NY Times for free :D
This is not very common. I know APRESS gives you access to PDF if you buy the real copy. I think Manning might do the same. That's for technical books.

Yes that's why I asked. I have seen some official web sites where you can donwload the book PDF for less charge.
I also bought all the books in the Interview section and checked out the Wall Street Culture section from the library. I also recommend buying the Hull book since that book is used by everyone. I call it the bible.
I also bought all the books in the Interview section and checked out the Wall Street Culture section from the library. I also recommend buying the Hull book since that book is used by everyone. I call it the bible.

Are you about a particular book? Which one?
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