FIX technology

Since I'm graduating in less than a week from undergrad (GASP!) still without a job (GASP^2!), I've been looking to my alumni network. One of the most prolific is a leader and originator of the FIX technology systems for high speed trading.

I was wondering what people from there in the real world have seen of these systems, because I've seen them mentioned on some job postings on LinkedIn before.
FIX is one of the most common protocols, yes. Learn it if you can and want to work with that kind of stuff.
Interesting. As someone that wants to be a full-fledged quant researcher (ala DESCo), how often do the quants themselves interact with this? Is this just something left to the pure ITs or is it something that the quants themselves work on/with?
It's an IT tool. The real nitty-gritty of the trading systems uses FIX.

However, these days it's better if you can do more, not less. In general, there are many paths to success.

Given your hatred of programming, FIX will be a tough pill to swallow.
Well I've started brushing up on my Java as the CEO of FIX Flyer told me, and have been going through a chapter of Savitch's Absolute Java 2/E a day. And I've been getting to "like" it a bit more. That said, there are pure technologists that are hardcore programmers, and then there are quants that have a mix of everything.

Programming is simply my youngest discipline.
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