Fordham University - MS in Quantitative Finance

Fordham MSQF Fordham MSQF Admission Discussion


It looks to me that Fordham started off with a plan of trying to straddle the differences between a MFE program & a traditional MSF program -- but then left out key math & programming courses. I see what they may have been trying to do, but maybe they need to reconsider the offerings or packaging of it...

just my $0.02
Fordham MSQF

JPast, Fordham may be a good program for what it focuses on, but it is not an MFE...

Yes, I think that was my general point.

What exactly is the "correct" MFE model? I personally would be "disappointed" in a quantitative finance program didn't also emphasize the ubnderlying business fundamentals.
It looks to me that Fordham started off with a plan of trying to straddle the differences between a MFE program & a traditional MSF program -- but then left out key math & programming courses. I see what they may have been trying to do, but maybe they need to reconsider the offerings or packaging of it...

just my $0.02

I can assure you, the program emphasizes both math and programming (vba, matlab, sas).
Fair points by the Fordham guys. I'm sure you guys join FU exactly because it is not like other traditional MFE programs.
To Jpast,
To be fair, I wouldn't say Quantnet writes off the program from the start. The first person who started dissing the program to the world wide web is a student in your program. Before that, nobody knows or has any opinion about that program.
I hope you know who I'm talking about Wilmott Forums - Fordham MSQF?
DISCUSSION on MFE programs (Formerly "Second-rate (and worse) MFE programs) - QuantNetwork - Financial Engineering Forum

Consequentially, FU is not helping its image much by flip-flopping on the internship issue.

Now looking forward, what can you guys do to help the program and yourself?
The program needs to be more transparent. Without it, future students would not be able to judge it objectively. When there is no data, they will rely on the info found on google which leads to Quantnet.

Now how you help yourself?
Arm yourself with technical skills that the program don't teach. Don't kid yourself that knowing VBA/SAS/Matlab is your advantage. Students at other programs know C++, VBA, SAS, Matlab much better than you do.
You think FU is the only program that uses real data and others use 5 year old data?
Baruch has live trading floor with live data 24/7 that students can tap into.

With what going on with Wall Street, do you think it would be enough with what you learn to get a job, any job?

I'm sure FU will evolve and get better with time but it's you who makes the best out of it. Don't let them tell you what's good for you. Look around and see what skills are in demand.
Hello, I am currently managing the WeChat group of MSQF admitted and will-come (who accepted the offer or deposited) students.

I am also a member of the WeChat group of MSQF admitted students (including if you got the offer but not yet deposited or decided; observation this year is that more than 55% of admitted students will come).

Please use WeChat to scan the following QR code picture (in the attachment) to add me, so I will add you to the group(s) if you qualify described above.

Please let me know if there are any questions, and you can message directly to my account here. Thanks!


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If the attachment/picture in the above post looks not available, please add one of my WeChat accounts: aaronniu123 (this can be inconvenient since it's not the same account, but thanks anyway!)
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Anyone else get into Fordham. The director has told me some good stuff about the program as well. I got offered 20k personally but I’m not sure if this is a lot compared to others. Let me know what you guys think about the program and if you don’t mind the amount of scholarship you got.
If possible, could someone provide an honest review about Fordham MSQF? On the basis of its pedagogy, curriculum, ranking, reputation, etc.
Background: I just received an admit from Fordham with a $15k scholarship, and I currently have an admit from BU aswell, confused amongst the two, a few reviews would help out a lot.
Has anyone heard back from Fordham University regarding MSQF admissions? Just want to know what the timeline looks like for this school, given that I have a few other program options, but Fordham is one of my top choices.
Just curious, what are your other options? I have not heard much about Fordham MSQF as it is overshadowed by other NY schools, Baruch, Columbia, NYU, Cornell etc.
I've gotten into JHU FinMath and Stevens MFE as well... although based on QuantNet's rankings, my #1 choice based on my options right now SHOULD be JHU. I do think that Fordham's program is decently competitive, and it's in NYC (I'm based in NYC), so it's convenient for me to get admissions. Still waiting to hear back from Fordham, NYU (waitlisted), and Columbia (top choice!!)
Another thing I want to note is that I'm only applying to PART-TIME programs, as I'm wanting to work full-time like I do currently. For this reason, I'm greatly limited by my MFE options. I believe Fordham is full-time, but I'm hoping to get admissions anyway as an option - who knows, might be able to negotiate a part-time track!
I'm pretty sure you can be part time at most, if not all, of the schools. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
UChicago still has applications open, there is a part time option!
Stony Brook is still also accepting applications, with a strong Applied Math program. There is a part time option there as well.
@ssbes Can you please share your timelines at all the programs you applied this year on the Tracker?

You can also track timelines of other Fordham MSQF admits this year too. Looks like there is one admit this year on the Tracker.
Another thing I want to note is that I'm only applying to PART-TIME programs, as I'm wanting to work full-time like I do currently. For this reason, I'm greatly limited by my MFE options. I believe Fordham is full-time, but I'm hoping to get admissions anyway as an option - who knows, might be able to negotiate a part-time track!
Just looking at the 2023 quant net rankings you can see that Baruch, Berkeley, Colombia, both NYU programs, Chicago, GIT, Washington, SIT, Lehigh, Rutgers, Minnesota, and North Carolina offer part time spots.

And this doesn't count the programs who offer part time but have no part time students ranked.

Not sure how many applications are still open though. That's your job.
Just looking at the 2023 quant net rankings you can see that Baruch, Berkeley, Colombia, both NYU programs, Chicago, GIT, Washington, SIT, Lehigh, Rutgers, Minnesota, and North Carolina offer part time spots.

And this doesn't count the programs who offer part time but have no part time students ranked.

Not sure how many applications are still open though. That's your job.
I picked programs that are closer to me in proximity, since like I said, I'm based in NYC. I've already been rejected from CUNY Baruch, and I chose not to apply to NYU MathFin and Columbia MathFin because I'm personally leaning towards an engineering masters as I'm trying to become a quant developer. And as I mentioned above, I have gotten accepted into SIT.
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