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From the Attached Zip File extract program FRACTAL to your desktop and execute,
It will display the Koch Curve Fractal

Actual Code
// elementary fractal 
void fractal_Koch_curve(void){
	char file_name [60] = "c:\\exsan\\Fractal_The_Koch_curve_______0000.bmp";
	bool sign_this = 1;
	bool display = 1;
	bool save_image = 1;			
	bool sign_bg = 1;
	bool negative = 1;
	bool do_grey_scale = 0;

	char * string = "PixSan FRACTAL";

	unsigned long int side  = 401;
	enum {temp,  page_alphabet, page_signature, page};
	long int yo, xo, yf, xf;

	net = net->create_exsan_net(page, side, side );
	net->set_work_sheet(page, side, side);

		net->set_file_image(net, page_alphabet, file_name);		
		print("Master File: ", file_name);		

		net->set_work_sheet(page_signature, side, side);		

	unsigned long int param;

	CELLPTR ptr_a, ptr_b, ptr_c, ptr_center;

	ptr_center = net->go_to(net, page, side/2 + 1, side/2 + 1);

		printing("\n    [0...", side/2,"] EXIT - Parameter");			
		cin >> param;
		if(!param) exit;

		ptr_a = net->Move_to(net, ptr_center, page,  0, (long)param, 1);
		ptr_b = net->Move_to(net, ptr_center, page,  (long)param*sqrt(3.)/2., -(long)param/2., 1);
		ptr_c = net->Move_to(net, ptr_center, page, -(long)param*sqrt(3.)/2., -(long)param/2., 1);

		basic_fracatal(net, page, ptr_a->get_row(),  ptr_a->get_col(), ptr_b->get_row(), ptr_b->get_col(), param+70);
		basic_fracatal(net, page, ptr_b->get_row(),  ptr_b->get_col(), ptr_c->get_row(), ptr_c->get_col(), param+70);
		basic_fracatal(net, page, ptr_c->get_row(),  ptr_c->get_col(), ptr_a->get_row(), ptr_a->get_col(), param+70);

		net->display_image(net, page, page_signature, string, file_name, sign_this, display, sign_bg, save_image, negative, do_grey_scale);


	net->delete_exsan_net(net);  // freeing memory

void basic_fracatal(NETPTR net, unsigned long page, long yo, long xo, long yf, long xf, unsigned short tint){
	unsigned long int param = tint % 255;  // 255 white	
	long int xo_t, yo_t, xf_t, yf_t ;
	double angle, delta_y = yf - yo;
	double m, delta_x = xo - xf;

	bool fractal = 1;

	double side = sqrt(delta_x * delta_x + delta_y * delta_y);  //(long)

	if(side < param) return; //  exit recursive exit   10
	m = delta_y/delta_x;

	if(fractal)basic_fracatal(net, page, yo,  xo,  yo + (yf - yo)/3.,  xo + (xf - xo)/3, tint);	
	net->draw_line(net, page, xo , yo, xo + (xf - xo)/3., yo + (yf - yo)/3., tint);  // 1st
	xo_t = xo,                 yo_t =  yo;  
	xf_t = xo + (xf - xo)/3.,  yf_t = yo + (yf - yo)/3.; 	
	net->draw_line(net, page,  xo_t + (xf_t - xo_t)/3.,  yo_t + (yf_t - yo_t)/3., xf_t - (xf_t - xo_t)/3., yf_t - (yf_t - yo_t)/3. , 0);  // 0 - black 

	if(fractal)basic_fracatal(net, page, yf - (yf - yo)/3., xf - (xf - xo)/3., yf, xf, tint);	
	net->draw_line(net, page, xf - (xf - xo)/3., yf - (yf - yo)/3., xf, yf, tint);  // last
	xo_t = xf - (xf - xo)/3.,  yo_t = yf - (yf - yo)/3. ;  
	xf_t = xf,                 yf_t = yf ; 	
	net->draw_line(net, page,  xo_t + (xf_t - xo_t)/3.,  yo_t + (yf_t - yo_t)/3., xf_t - (xf_t - xo_t)/3., yf_t - (yf_t - yo_t)/3. , 0);  // 0 - black 

	angle = atan(m);

		if(delta_y > 0) angle -= pi/2.;  
		else   angle += pi/2.;        
			if(delta_x < 0) { }
			else    angle -= pi;  
			if(delta_x > 0 && delta_y > 0 ){ angle += pi;  }
			if(delta_x > 0 && delta_y < 0 ){ angle += pi;  }
			if(delta_x < 0 && delta_y > 0 ){ angle += pipi;}
			if(delta_x < 0 && delta_y < 0 ){ /*    */      }
	angle += pi/3.;  

	delta_x =  side/3.*cos(angle);  
	delta_y = -side/3.*sin(angle);

	if(fractal)basic_fracatal(net, page, yo + (yf - yo)/3., xo + (xf - xo)/3., delta_y + yo + (yf - yo)/3., delta_x + xo + (xf - xo)/3., tint);	
	net->draw_line(net, page, xo + (xf - xo)/3., yo + (yf - yo)/3., delta_x + xo + (xf - xo)/3.,  delta_y + yo + (yf - yo)/3., tint);  
	xo_t = xo + (xf - xo)/3.,             yo_t =  yo + (yf - yo)/3.;  
	xf_t = delta_x + xo + (xf - xo)/3.,   yf_t =  delta_y + yo + (yf - yo)/3.; 
	net->draw_line(net, page,  xo_t + (xf_t - xo_t)/3.,  yo_t + (yf_t - yo_t)/3., xf_t - (xf_t - xo_t)/3., yf_t - (yf_t - yo_t)/3. , 0);  

	if(fractal)basic_fracatal(net, page, delta_y + yo + (yf - yo)/3., delta_x + xo + (xf - xo)/3.,  yf - (yf - yo)/3., xf - (xf - xo)/3., tint);	
	net->draw_line(net, page,   delta_x + xo + (xf - xo)/3., delta_y + yo + (yf - yo)/3., xf - (xf - xo)/3., yf - (yf - yo)/3. , tint);  
	xo_t = delta_x + xo + (xf - xo)/3.,  yo_t = delta_y + yo + (yf - yo)/3.;  
	xf_t = xf - (xf - xo)/3.,            yf_t = yf - (yf - yo)/3.; 
	net->draw_line(net, page,  xo_t + (xf_t - xo_t)/3.,  yo_t + (yf_t - yo_t)/3., xf_t - (xf_t - xo_t)/3., yf_t - (yf_t - yo_t)/3. , 0);  // 0 black 



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More Fractals, or the beauty of recursivity

From the Attached Zip File extract program FRACTAL_Basics to your desktop and execute.
It will display the Elemental Basic Fractals

Actual Code
void basic_fractal(void){
	double theta, angle, shift, delta, x, y, xx, yy;
	unsigned long int side  = 501; 
	enum {temp, page_alphabet, page_signature, page_fractal};
	long int yo, xo, yf, xf;

	GRID myGrid;

	CELL center_ptr;
	myGrid = myGrid->create_exsan_net(page_fractal, side, side);
	myGrid->set_work_sheet(page_fractal, side, side);

	unsigned long int  radius = side/4;
	unsigned short radii_limit,  tint = 255;  // white id --> 255

	center_ptr = myGrid->go_to(myGrid, page_fractal, myGrid->get_rows_in_page(page_fractal)/2., myGrid->get_cols_in_page(page_fractal)/2.);

		myGrid->set_page_to_data(myGrid, page_fractal, 0);  // reset frame to black ---> 0 

		cin >> side; 
		cin >> radii_limit;
		cin >> angle;
		shift = double (angle)*pi/180.; 
		delta = pipi/(double)side;  // pipi = 2*pi

		for(theta = shift; theta < pipi + shift; theta += delta){
			xx = radius*cos(theta). 			 yy = radius*sin(theta); 
			x  = center_ptr->get_col() + xx,      y = center_ptr->get_row() + yy;

			myGrid->draw_line(myGrid, page_fractal, center_ptr->get_col(), center_ptr->get_row(), center_ptr->get_col() + xx, center_ptr->get_row() + yy, tint);

			basic_fractal_recursive(myGrid,  page_fractal, center_ptr->get_col() + xx, center_ptr->get_row() + yy, shift, delta, radius/2.,  tint , radii_limit );

		myGrid->display_image(myGrid, page_fractal); 

		print("One more time");

	myGrid->delete_exsan_net(myGrid);  // freeing memory


void basic_fractal_recursive(GRID net, unsigned short page, unsigned long int x, unsigned long int y, 
							 double shift, double delta, unsigned long int radius,  
							 unsigned short tint, unsigned short radii_limit){

	double theta, xx, yy;	
	unsigned long int center_x = x;
	unsigned long int center_y = y;

	if(radius <=  radii_limit)  return; // exit recursive
	for(theta = shift; theta < pipi + shift; theta += delta){
		xx = radius*cos(theta), yy = radius*sin(theta); 
		xx +=  center_x,        yy +=  center_y;

		basic_fractal_recursive(net, page, xx , yy , shift, delta, radius/2., tint - 3 , radii_limit ); // fading

		net->draw_line(net, page, center_x, center_y, xx , yy , 255);

/****ENDS  basic_fractal(void) ***************/


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it looks great, how can I see the source code?
Hi Alain,
Sorry it took me a while to get back to this.

The ACTUAL code is attached, it uses ExSan as platform in the background which significantly simplifies the coding.

It may look not exactly as the actual code or maybe as a pseudo-code, but it is the compiled code in fact.

I will try to depict the algorithm a little bit.

The calling function: void basic_fractal(void), prepares the scenario,

at the beginning it sets the dimension of the frame/window-image 501*501

myGrid = myGrid->create_exsan_net(page_fractal, side, side);
creates an object myGrid -think of it as an excel structure -
it has n worksheets--> page_fractal, in this case 3, all pages have 501 rows*501 cols

USER basically provides the pivot number side,
then the for loop will draw n lines = side centered on the drawing frame/window

for(...){ // n lines with a common edge centered
basic_fractal_recursive( ... );

right away after a line is drawn the function void basic_fractal_recursive( ...) is called

this is a sort of replica of the calling function as you can see

there are only 2 basic differences:

- this function calls to itself, and the statement
- if(radius <= radii_limit) return; // exit recursive

sets the limit and forces it to return and not to overload the stack.

hope this helps.
What is the ExSan platform?

It began as a hobby, years ago +12 , at this point it is more mature, it is not comercially available but it may be in the future :tiphat:

ExSan is a spreadsheet tool built on a novel data structure, coded in C/C++, console based and capable of handling large matrices, for instance in Image Processing tasks. It is used for a variety of applications including Pattern Recognition, Artificial Intelligence, Financial Derivatives Pricing and more general Numerical Computing.
From the Attached Zip File extract program FIREWORK_FRACTAL to your desktop and execute. It will display the Fireworks Fractals

For the attached images, input parameters:
0 Exit - [3..12] Parameter ---> 7
0 Exit - [60...120] Radii Recursive Limit ---> 99

This version compiles all previus Fractals
Actual Code

void recursive_pixsan_set(GRID net, unsigned short page, double radius_param, unsigned long int yy, unsigned xx, short int radii_limit){

	unsigned long int side = (unsigned long int) radius_param / 2; 

	double delta = pi/18.;  
	double radii = side;
	double theta, x, y;

	CELL myCell = NULL;

	for(unsigned short int radius = radii/2; radius <= radii; radius += 1){
		for(theta = 0; theta < pipi; theta += delta){

			x = (0.5*cos(theta) - 0.25*cos(2*theta))*radius;		
			y = (0.5*sin(theta) - 0.25*sin(2*theta))*radius;

			if(y+yy < 1 || x+xx < 1 || y+yy > net->get_rows_in_page(page) || x+xx > net->get_cols_in_page(page)) break;

			myCell = net->go_to(net, page, y + yy, x + xx );

			recursive_pixsan_set(net, page, sqrt(x*x + y*y), (unsigned long int)y +xx, (unsigned long int)x + yy, radii_limit);

void pixsan_set(bool random){
	GRID myGrid = NULL;
	CELL center_cell = NULL;
	CELL ptr = NULL; 

	unsigned long int side  = 651;
        unsigned long int page_fractal = 1;

	myGrid = myGrid->create_exsan_net(page_fractal, side, side);

	short int param, radii_limit;

		myGrid->set_page_to_data(myGrid, page_fractal, 0);  // reset frame to black

		cin >> param;
		cin >> radii_limit;

		double delta = pi/double(param);  
		double radii = side/2;
		double theta, x, y;

		for(unsigned short int radius = radii; radius <= radii; radius += 1){
			for(theta = 0; theta < pipi; theta += delta){

				x = (0.5*cos(theta) - 0.25*cos(2*theta))*radius + side/2 + 1;		
				y = (0.5*sin(theta) - 0.25*sin(2*theta))*radius + side/2 + 1;

				center_cell = myGrid->go_to(myGrid, page_fractal, y, x);

				recursive_pixsan_set(myGrid, page_fractal, sqrt(x*x + y*y), (unsigned long int)y, (unsigned long int)x, radii_limit);		

		myGrid->display_image(myGrid, page_fractal);  //
		print("One more time");

	myGrid->delete_exsan_net(myGrid);  //   memory release


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