Georgia Tech to offer an online Computer Science master degree

Modern tech startups more and more de emphasize low level optimization (read C++) in favor of rapid prototyping and iteration (read dynamic interpreted languages -- Python, JS, Ruby). So I don't see "Lot of Java and a wee bit of C++" as a bad thing, or as programming/engineering skills getting lot in action.

But one thing that is true, programming and engineering skills are hard to teach in a pure classroom setting. You need to work on real projects and see how design decisions play out over days/weeks/months. You need to encounter the problems eg TDD, CI, OO, were designed for to really appreciate why they exist.

And maintaining badly-designed applications is also a skill to be learned, aka Maintainability.
AFAIK this stuff not on CS curriculum. Many of the topics taught assume we are still in the 60's! In a sense we still are, unfortunately.

The Software Crisis has in part been caused by CS graduates who have never learned engineering principles.

So I don't see "Lot of Java and a wee bit of C++" as a bad thing, or as programming/engineering skills getting lot in action.
I do see it as being bad.
Modern tech startups more and more de emphasize low level optimization (read C++) in favor of rapid prototyping and iteration (read dynamic interpreted languages -- Python, JS, Ruby). So I don't see "Lot of Java and a wee bit of C++" as a bad thing, or as programming/engineering skills getting lot in action.

Okay, then teach lots of Python. Or teach lots of Ruby. Or lots of Scheme. I just don't see a case for Java at all. It was introduced to dumb down CS curricula further -- i.e., to allow those students too stupid to learn C++ to squeeze through. Other than the choice of Java, one has to question the amount of fluff in the undergrad curriculum.
Okay, then teach lots of Python. Or teach lots of Ruby. Or lots of Scheme. I just don't see a case for Java at all. It was introduced to dumb down CS curricula further -- i.e., to allow those students too stupid to learn C++ to squeeze through. Other than the choice of Java, one has to question the amount of fluff in the undergrad curriculum.
The problem is that computer science does not equal software engineering. What people want is good software engineers, not good computer scientists. And the best way to become a software engineering is to do it. Learn a language, write code that does stuff in it, keep pushing your knowledge until you can start contributing to bigger, open source projects. That's when your skills become useful to people.
The problem is that computer science does not equal software engineering. What people want is good software engineers, not good computer scientists. And the best way to become a software engineering is to do it. Learn a language, write code that does stuff in it, keep pushing your knowledge until you can start contributing to bigger, open source projects. That's when your skills become useful to people.
Even better than open source is to learn programming in industry making products that are brought to the market.

Open source is fine but restricted.
Even better than open source is to learn programming in industry making products that are brought to the market.

Open source is fine but restricted.

Well, there are open source products that are "brought to market" too. Look at Mozilla, for instance.
So I don't see "Lot of Java and a wee bit of C++" as a bad thing, or as programming/engineering skills getting lot in action.
I do see it as being bad.
How much difference is there really, from a practical perspective? GC (ie no pointers) and a kludgy "everything must be an object" philosophy (which makes things harder, not easier), no OS/architecture specializations required. Not being rhetorical here.

Now presumably, there's C in the OS class, so pointers are there.
I'm not sure why I'm even defending Java. My first language was Scheme; I learned Java on the job in essentially a week.
In my concepts of programming languages class it was taught that C++ is handicapped language, java is much better designed (even though not ideal either).
What will be the relevance of this program? For people who don't have a programming background but a strong mathematical/engineering + finance background , will it be beneficial to fill the gaps? Will employers see it as an added value? I am also wondering if it will help in career progression. I guess the most relevant specialization would be Machine Learning. What are everyone's views?
Any comments?
Yeah it could be beneficial. I don't know about employer point of view. My opinion is that programming is absolutely necessary for quant work, so if you suck at it, you will hate your life as a quant.
On the same lines as previous may not get you in the door, but once you are in, it's really just your skills that matter. If you attain those skills (e.g., Machine Learning) and they are applicable to your job/firm, then it could be a great return-on-investment.
In my concepts of programming languages class it was taught that C++ is handicapped language, java is much better designed (even though not ideal either).
It only seems that way.
It was badly taught then.
I really think it all depends on how much effort and time you are willing to put into the program. The online computer science master's degree may not look as good as the on campus one, but if you have the programming skills you can convince any employer to hire you. This is assuming you have a solid college degree with good grades showing that you are otherwise a smart person.
I think if you have $6,600 to spend you should give it a go. But it wouldn't hurt learning some of this stuff on your own. Again, this is a huge time commitment. Not to mention the lost dollars you could have made in gainful employment.