Getting less than six hours of sleep?

The quants putting in 168-hour weeks should read this:

It found that those who generally slept for less than six hours a night were 12% more likely to experience a premature death over a period of 25 years than those who consistently got six to eight hours' sleep.

"Modern society has seen a gradual reduction in the average amount of sleep people take, and this pattern is more common amongst full-time workers, suggesting that it may be due to societal pressures for longer working hours and more shift-work.
...also concluded that those who consistently sleep more than nine hours a night can be more likely to die early.

Blessed are the sleepy ones, for they shall soon drop off.
aside from the 2 quants who do 168 hour work weeks, I think the rest of us are ok....
Forget about sleep. Stress will do its silence killing just as well.
And let not pretend that people coming into this field looking for a relaxing lifestyle and long life. It can be found by tending to gardens in Japan.

I used to be on a 4 hour sleep schedule for almost 2 years while doing my MFE. It was by necessity, not by choice.

This reminds me of an article about people who are genetically wired to sleep very little with no long term health damage. Wish I were one.
Forget about sleep. Stress will do its silence killing just as well.

I think stress is an even deadlier killer -- though if I'm not mistaken stress and lack of sleep are often to be found together.
lol I have been practicing to sleep in the 1am-6am bracket so I can use the day well for all my endeavors. Unfortunately usually after 11:30am-12:00 my rate of production starts dropping exponentially, so that 11:30am-1:00am is almost a waste.

I definitely won't share this job posting with you (if i find one). I was thinking more of a life style, rather than a job.

And on that note, i'll leave you with this picture

polyphasic sleep

You can have an insight from someone's polyphasic sleep log entries.

Polyphasic sleep involves taking multiple short sleep periods throughout the day instead of getting all your sleep in one long chunk. A popular form of polyphasic sleep, the Uberman sleep schedule, suggests that you sleep 20-30 minutes six times per day, with equally spaced naps every 4 hours around the clock. This means you’re only sleeping 2-3 hours per day.

Polyphasic Sleep
You can have an insight from someone's polyphasic sleep log entries.

Polyphasic sleep involves taking multiple short sleep periods throughout the day instead of getting all your sleep in one long chunk. A popular form of polyphasic sleep, the Uberman sleep schedule, suggests that you sleep 20-30 minutes six times per day, with equally spaced naps every 4 hours around the clock. This means you’re only sleeping 2-3 hours per day.

Polyphasic Sleep

Practically not feasible :-)
While we are worried about sleep, stress, or whether we would survive at any point the next 20 years, thanks to a new webapp, I can see how I will look in 20 years.
After seeing myself in 20 years, I have a lot more to worry than sleep to be frankly ;)

"I saw myself in the mirror and I'm scared"


It seems we live everywhere except in the present, in the here and now. And worry about things which are mostly beyond our control. This nagging worry has to be adversely affecting sleep as well.
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