Homework Submission

@APalley I used CodeBlocks for Levels 1-7 and recently transitioned to using Visual Studio. When I was using CodeBlocks, I didn't have .sln or .vcxproj files, so the only files I left were .cpp and .hpp files. This still worked. However, now that I'm using Visual Studio, I deleted everything but the .hpp and .cpp files, and it doesn't seem to be working. Why is there this discrepancy? Should I remake all of my projects now?
You need to keep the .sln file and all the .vcxproj files. In visual studio you need a project(.sln & .vcxproj) to run your code. I hope this makes sense. If you deleted your .sln file. You need to make new projects and copy and paste the code and it should be fine.
Just a follow-up question - I've remade the projects and kept all the .sln and .vcxproj files, so the only things I deleted were the debug folders (which contained several files in them). However, when I try to compress to zip file, I get a really large folder, on the order of 100,000KB. Did I forget to delete something? @APalley
Just a follow-up question - I've remade the projects and kept all the .sln and .vcxproj files, so the only things I deleted were the debug folders (which contained several files in them). However, when I try to compress to zip file, I get a really large folder, on the order of 100,000KB. Did I forget to delete something? @APalley
There are hidden files/folders as well that need to be deleted. See above and https://quantnet.com/threads/hw-size.44052/post-268848
Hello, @APalley,

I am using visual studio code, and I am wondering if I should include setting files like (launch.json, tasks.json) in my submission, or simply c & cpp files.

You should not.

Note that VS code is not VS