How important is Java?

Joy Pathak

I was just wondering if Java was a language that would be recommended for financial engineers?

I interviewed for a position yesterday and one of the key projects was using Java programming to help develop a 'black-box' for a very well established market maker trading firm.

I picked a basic Java programming book just to get some basics this morning. Anyone recommend any particular book for someone with basically a rating of 1/5 with Java.
Java is very important in some circles. Not as important in others. It is not a difficult language to learn but could be difficult to master. It is way easier than C++ and, at the same time, it is solid and robust. A lot of things run in Java now.
Ah. I probably won't get the position since I told them I have no java experience. It was a really great project in a amazing firm though :( . I have MATLAB, C++ experience and am taking C++ for Quant Finance course as part of my masters in 1.5 weeks.

Going to try and pick up Java on the side too.
I don't remember where, but I read that some people are worried about the future of Java since Oracle took over Sun. Worried as in Java will completely go away or will lose its viability as enterprise level language.

And the advice I always hear regarding what programming language is to just choose one and be good at it.
I don't remember where, but I read that some people are worried about the future of Java since Oracle took over Sun. Worried as in Java will completely go away or will lose its viability as enterprise level language.

This is hogwash since IBM is married to JAVA, like in betting the farm with it. Most of their development stack depends on it.

And the advice I always hear regarding what programming language is to just choose one and be good at it.

This is true, however, you will get better at Java faster than you'll get better at C++. This last point is a topic for another discussion.
the advice I always hear regarding what programming language is to just choose one and be good at it.

IMHO, you can't be good at programming if you only know one language. I see it like being a chef, you have to know more than one cuisine to excel at $.02.
IMHO, you can't be good at programming if you only know one language. I see it like being a chef, you have to know more than one cuisine to excel at $.02.

I both agree and disagree. I'm by no means an expert on the matter, but I think ultimately, you only need to know an object-oriented language along with a scripting language (and I suppose R, as well).

I prefer working with C++ and Python - though I end up using Python about 95% of the time. Prior to starting work, I thought I'd be doing most of my coding in C++ but given the nature of the code I write, Python is by far the better choice. While it always helps to know multiple languages, if you have a strong grasp of the fundamentals of a language like C++, why bother wasting your time learning multiple languages? If you truly understand C++, picking up another language will more or less be just a matter of syntax.

As for the simile, I can see where you're coming from but I think the comparison is a tad weak. While master chefs may know their way around multiple cuisines, what makes them masters, in my opinion, isn't the breadth of their knowledge, it's the depth.
IMHO, you can't be good at programming if you only know one language. I see it like being a chef, you have to know more than one cuisine to excel at $.02.

I don't believe it means that you only learn one programming language your whole life, but that when first starting out focus your efforts and get good at one.

What's more valuable/useful: being a top C++ programmer or knowing how to write a "Hello world" program in 20 different languages?
What's more valuable/useful: being a top C++ programmer or knowing how to write a "Hello world" program in 20 different languages?

That is definitely not what everyone has said.

Being at an advanced level in C++ and having proficiency to an intermediate level in few other languages is probably the most valuable.
I don't recall who can call themselves a Master of a "programming" language unless you create the language itself. We just have to keep learning and find out the best way to do thing and getting the best result.

One can comprehend C/C++ very well in algo will find a job in the financial world.
What's more valuable/useful: being a top C++ programmer or knowing how to write a "Hello world" program in 20 different languages?
Interview question: write a program that ouputs "hello world" ; the shortest simplest solution wins.
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