I am a recent grad currently working in an investment bank. I want to ask something about how to effectively communicate with people.
When I normally communicate and discuss something with my team, it was a bit hard for me to get involved and contribute my ideas; sometimes I do find that my ideas in the first place came out to be the right idea that the team finally chose.
English is not my mother tongue, but I do speak good English and I can communicate and express myself most of the time clearly, apart from some circumstances where the things I was trying to explain was too complicated and I ran out of my vocabulary and can’t put myself into good structure.
To me it is not about understanding; I think it is about respect and how to raise people’s attention to what you are going to say. I have been struggling to get people listen to me, which made me don’t want to talk even more. This really stressed me out.
I really need your helps guys, I want to hear what you are going to say, when your team members tend to be:
-- Focus on his own words and not pay smallest attention to what you say (even if don’t understand you not even bothered to ask you to explain a bit more);
-- Too aggressive and go ahead with his own idea which is proved wrong finally
-- How to communicate effectively in the first place to grab people’s attention.
I would really appreciate your help and I hope to hear you experiences regarding this kind of problem.
I am happy to provide more information, again Thank you very much guys.
I am a recent grad currently working in an investment bank. I want to ask something about how to effectively communicate with people.
When I normally communicate and discuss something with my team, it was a bit hard for me to get involved and contribute my ideas; sometimes I do find that my ideas in the first place came out to be the right idea that the team finally chose.
English is not my mother tongue, but I do speak good English and I can communicate and express myself most of the time clearly, apart from some circumstances where the things I was trying to explain was too complicated and I ran out of my vocabulary and can’t put myself into good structure.
To me it is not about understanding; I think it is about respect and how to raise people’s attention to what you are going to say. I have been struggling to get people listen to me, which made me don’t want to talk even more. This really stressed me out.
I really need your helps guys, I want to hear what you are going to say, when your team members tend to be:
-- Focus on his own words and not pay smallest attention to what you say (even if don’t understand you not even bothered to ask you to explain a bit more);
-- Too aggressive and go ahead with his own idea which is proved wrong finally
-- How to communicate effectively in the first place to grab people’s attention.
I would really appreciate your help and I hope to hear you experiences regarding this kind of problem.
I am happy to provide more information, again Thank you very much guys.