How to pick an MFE program

We've been through this on other threads RajanS.

I was in your class. A vast majority of students from that cohort have amazing jobs and are making a ton of money doing really interesting work.

Even Harvard can't promise you a job.

I would say bashing your own master's program on a public forum is probably a good indication that you need to take a look at yourself rather than your school.

Baruch is an incredible program.

I coach students looking to get into quant programs and students looking for quant jobs.

The dean at Baruch is more invested in his students landing jobs than any other dean from all of the MFE programs.

I know this first hand from my clients.
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Raj ( I see that somebody used your name) I am sure this is more to it than you are saying!

Let me make clear- I respect very much what Berkeley, Baruch and Princeton do for their students.

As Khoatran said: “I see. Yet the fact that Baruch alumni responded to you after you graduated in 2012 already indicates more or less the sense of community, right? Also, blaming the whole program and community for just one incident would not be a fair move in my opinion. Anyhow, I'm glad that you finally got your offer. Good luck and may you have good health going forward.”

I fully agree, this shows how strong the community is.

Once again, I am sure there is more to it and you are not saying…and from what we all can read in your post: what do you mean by” health problems”?

Maybe this can be the trigger very well – but you are trying to minimize it so we all can read your “garbage “on others so you can say---"not my fault” …Dude…. disgusting.

Stop trying to spread your “garbage” around because you feel… bad…. or jealous on the success of others of your peers and alumni. Shame on you!

So, once again- what are exactly your health problems? (if you go public, you need to make your audience aware of everything, not only what you like)
Yes I did. I want my money back tbh. I had 0 interviews coming from the program. The program can’t get Indians quant jobs. Privately he has tried sending my resume but he has struggled to land me an interview.

8 years is unacceptable to me. It’s trash
If he thinks I’m wrong he’s welcome to give a response to me here as to why the program struggled to land me an interview.

If you were in my shoes you will feel the same, trust me
How about an interview? It never occurred, 0 interviews makes no fucking sense.

How come when I go to other schools, I see lot of Indians getting. Quant jobs. How come I don’t see any Indian quants from Baruch ?
I think the same situation take place in China. The HRs have no idea what Baruch is. Why don't you stay in US or go to Singapore or Europe? India is kinda like China, with Bias in recruitement. I even heard some words like "HK's financial environment is worse than mainland China. Those investment banks are really slow pace." during the final interview with CTO from the top quant hedge fund in mainland China. I can only appreciate his self-confidence. That's all.

Btw, I don't think working in investment banks are quite slow pace. And the working pace in funds is not that fast to beat every single industry in the world as well. At least, for a domestic hedge fund, he complaint about waking up at 2 am to deal with issues once. But we need to communicate with US colleagues at night from time to time. So far, I still keep my opinion.
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We've been through this on other threads RajanS.

I was in your class. A vast majority of students from that cohort have amazing jobs and are making a ton of money doing really interesting work.

Even Harvard can't promise you a job.

I would say bashing your own master's program on a public forum is probably a good indication that you need to take a look at yourself rather than your school.

Baruch is an incredible program.

I coach students looking to get into quant programs and students looking for quant jobs.

The dean at Baruch is more invested in his students landing jobs than any other dean from all of the MFE programs.

I know this first hand from my clients.


You literally told me privately when I reached out to you begging for help, that you felt my short stints at various companies is an indication that I would be a horrible employee to work with. And that there was something wrong with me. And hence you won’t help me. Those were your exact words around 2020.

Funny coming from a guy, who called me during his numerical exam to get answers so that he can pass his course and graduate. How quickly they forget who helped them eh?

Not that it matters.

But years just passed and that clown always boasts how everyone is placed and how it gives him greatest pleasure placing 10 alumni every year to further their career while his ass literally knew I was at a contract role and desperate for a real job.

Don’t give me this bs about how a program doesn’t guarantee you a job. Why the fuck are the best students coming to Baruch then? To jerk him off? Bitch please.

You think I’m going to just fucking sit around and wait till I get a quant job and not help my family?

And then now banning me from any possible job interviews or prospects Because I voiced my opinion in here?

What kind of nonsense is this? I had 0 job leads from Baruch since I raised my displeasure over here. I’ve raised my displeasure privately as well.

Why the fuck should I get banned just for voicing my opinion?

And I have to look inward because there is something wrong with me bashing Baruch?

How the fuck does it make him look banning me? Or anyone who voices their displeasure.
People should have reached out wanting to help rather than attacking me privately about what I said rather than banning me from any job opportunities going forward.
Not that it was ever afforded to me to begin with.

That’s what you get when you come to a community college.

You either keep quiet and do as Dan says, or if you voice your discontent you get banned for ever. I wish I could send a screenshot of 300 fuckifn emails I sent for job applications through Baruch. My fucking resume was never sent. That was my fucking point. Trading firms to banks to hedge funds to fucking start ups. 0 replies and all came from supposedly alumnis.

I wanted proof that my resume was sent!!!! The point I was making was he never did.

Anyways, I’m almost 40. 10 years since I graduated. It’s quite apparent that there was 0 intention in helping.

Screw this entire fucking program.
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I have received reports from a few members that @rajanS has spreading of lies about QuantNet and me.
While we tolerated his antics over the years because he is entitled to his opinion about his experience with Baruch, there is no excuses for him to make up lies about QuantNet just to make his other claims credible.
He is now banned from QuantNet.
What is that guys damage anyways? I wasn't able to assess what his complaint was aside from "I expected to have a job at a top fund delivered to me on a silver platter"
After the personal attacks made on me despite my being nice to him for over a decade, it comes down to this: If you are a kind person, and despite having personal hardships, you have goals; challenging goals! And you push and push to achieve them; you will be happy and successful.

For those of you who do not know him, Raj is a kind person. I like him and I was friends with him at Baruch. But he did have hardships that I still until this day feel bad about. Let's not judge him or others, just focus on ourselves to be happy and fulfilled.
After the personal attacks made on me despite my being nice to him for over a decade, it comes down to this: If you are a kind person, and despite having personal hardships, you have goals; challenging goals! And you push and push to achieve them; you will be happy and successful.
I disagree, just pushing and pushing to achieve goals and being kind will not guarantee anyone happiness and success.

We were made for more than these pursuits.
I disagree, just pushing and pushing to achieve goals and being kind will not guarantee anyone happiness and success.

We were made for more than these pursuits.
Absolutely nothing guarantees happiness.

I've found through my personal struggles that happiness stems less from financial stability and more from hope.

Having goals, passions, and a drive to accomplish gives you a sense of purpose that makes you excited to live in this world.

Goals could be family oriented (my children make me very happy).
Goals could be career related.
Even physical accomplishments.
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I've found through my personal struggles that happiness stems less from financial stability and more from hope.
Let's not judge him or others, just focus on ourselves to be happy and fulfilled.
If you are a kind person, and despite having personal hardships, you have goals; challenging goals! And you push and push to achieve them; you will be happy and successful.
Which is it? Do you find happiness outside of yourself (in hope) or by just focusing on yourself? And is it inevitable, (you will be...) or not?

Food for thought.
Through my personal struggles, I can only believe it to be found outside, and only through salvation/sanctification and a relationship gifted by the christian God.
This isn't the right kind of forum for this discussion, but if you're going to make these claims then I'll place mine side by side. Goals aren't enough. Although, happiness shouldn't even be the end goal.
I do agree with MRoss that having challenging goals and chasing after them gives a sense of purpose and life more meaning. However, I think rather that providing happiness, this mindset just provides avoidance of unhappiness. I was personally very absorbed with my goals (perhaps too much so) in getting the best grades, getting into Jane Street or comparable as a QR/QT. From personal experience, once you actually reach these goals you get a brief moment of happiness before just feeling empty. Yeah it's cool and all working with the smartest people in the world, having the financial freedom to go on luxury vacations, buying designer, bottle service at clubs, eating at all the michelin 3 stars but through hedonistic adaption you realize all these don't really make you happy; instead you start thinking is that all life has to offer? I think life is like a video game - the most fun part of the video game is the pursuit: trying to get the best gear, getting to max level, etc, but once you achieve all of that it stops being as meaningful anymore.
"Yeah it's cool and all working with the smartest people in the world, having the financial freedom to go on luxury vacations, buying designer, bottle service at clubs, eating at all the michelin 3 stars but through hedonistic adaption you realize all these don't really make you happy;"

Life is hard, I believe that you can only derive lasting meaning from doing hard things. Don't do hard things because you think doing so will lead to an easier life, you simply will feel empty as described above once you feel you've done all the hard things you need to or care about doing. Do hard things because it makes you more comfortable doing hard things in the future. Different people have different utility functions, it is pointless to argue about what brings happiness. If you are pursuing quantitative finance for any other reason aside from an enjoyment of working on hard problems, you are in it for the wrong reason.

You literally told me privately when I reached out to you begging for help, that you felt my short stints at various companies is an indication that I would be a horrible employee to work with. And that there was something wrong with me. And hence you won’t help me. Those were your exact words around 2020.

Funny coming from a guy, who called me during his numerical exam to get answers so that he can pass his course and graduate. How quickly they forget who helped them eh?

Not that it matters.

But years just passed and that clown always boasts how everyone is placed and how it gives him greatest pleasure placing 10 alumni every year to further their career while his ass literally knew I was at a contract role and desperate for a real job.

Don’t give me this bs about how a program doesn’t guarantee you a job. Why the fuck are the best students coming to Baruch then? To jerk him off? Bitch please.

You think I’m going to just fucking sit around and wait till I get a quant job and not help my family?

And then now banning me from any possible job interviews or prospects Because I voiced my opinion in here?

What kind of nonsense is this? I had 0 job leads from Baruch since I raised my displeasure over here. I’ve raised my displeasure privately as well.

Why the fuck should I get banned just for voicing my opinion?

And I have to look inward because there is something wrong with me bashing Baruch?

How the fuck does it make him look banning me? Or anyone who voices their displeasure.
People should have reached out wanting to help rather than attacking me privately about what I said rather than banning me from any job opportunities going forward.
Not that it was ever afforded to me to begin with.

That’s what you get when you come to a community college.

You either keep quiet and do as Dan says, or if you voice your discontent you get banned for ever. I wish I could send a screenshot of 300 fuckifn emails I sent for job applications through Baruch. My fucking resume was never sent. That was my fucking point. Trading firms to banks to hedge funds to fucking start ups. 0 replies and all came from supposedly alumnis.

I wanted proof that my resume was sent!!!! The point I was making was he never did.

Anyways, I’m almost 40. 10 years since I graduated. It’s quite apparent that there was 0 intention in helping.

Screw this entire fucking program.
I replied to something similar a while ago, see:

How to pick an MFE program

Interesting that you post now since they just one another RITC - 8th in total! Wow!! I am jealous too.

I only can assume that you never participated to such competition… Grow up! Stop being jealous on their success…

All I can blame them for is that: they make mistakes in the admission process as well and you are the proof.
I do agree with MRoss that having challenging goals and chasing after them gives a sense of purpose and life more meaning. However, I think rather that providing happiness, this mindset just provides avoidance of unhappiness.

Very well put