How to transition from postdoc in applied maths/physics to quant research?

I am an undergrad in math and stats with not too much coding experience or quant work experience.. i do not know what kind of quant role i want
I am going to start my MS applied math degree in fall 2021
When is a good time to start applying for summer 2022 internships? and when does the application period begin and end ?
How can i make my application strong for internships? I am already doing coding courses in python and revising math and stats topics from my undergrad curriculum
Miheer -- post a single thread and be patient haha. If your goal is to get useful feedback, commenting the same blurb on every thread in sight is not an effective strategy.
Miheer -- post a single thread and be patient haha. If your goal is to get useful feedback, commenting the same blurb on every thread in sight is not an effective strategy.
This thread had something similar with regards to someone from a math background wanting to build their profile for a quant job which is why I posted it here as well.
This thread had something similar with regards to someone from a math background wanting to build their profile for a quant job which is why I posted it here as well.
Like @Qui-Gon said,posting the same question everywhere is not going to be effective. I see you've already created threads for your questions ,wait for someone to answer them. If you want answers for them immediately,bump the question up and wait for answers. Please don't keep spamming your questions in every thread