I am unable to Validate Kelly Criterion with Python


I read this interesting article: http://people.math.gatech.edu/~shenk/OptionsClub/kellyOptionTalk1.pdf
where a coin parlor game that pays 2x your bet when you win, and -1x has an optimal bet of 1/4 of your bank role. I tried replicating this with Python, but my results, don't match the theory.

My approach is this. I test bet ratios from 0% to 99% of my bank roll. Then for each bet ratio, I generate N simulations, where for each simulation, I flip the coin N times. Below In my set up, heads is a win which pays 2x the bet, and tails is a loss which pays -1x the bet. According to the document above, the ideal bet is .25. My distrubtion say .6x.

Could someone see where my Python code is astray?


import random
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import pandas as pd

#this program simulates a parlor coin game. You flip a coin N times. You always pick Heads. If you bet heads and win
#your return is 2x your bet. If you bet heads and lose, you lost your bet (not double your bet)

coin_value = ['H','T']
simulations = 100 #number of simulations of the N coin toss game
coin_tosses = 100 #number of times you flip a coin per simulation

game_result = []
for x in range(0,100): #i loop through bet percentages.
    bet_size = (x/100) #set the bet percentage
    for sim in range(0, simulations): #we run N simulations, which play N coin tosses per simulation
        bank_roll = 100 #starting bank roll for each simulation
        for coin_toss in range(0, coin_tosses): #we toss the coin N times
            outcome = random.choice(coin_value)
            if outcome == 'H': #if Heads, you win.
                profit_loss = 2 * (bet_size * bank_roll) #Double your bet and add that to bankroll
                result = 'W'
            elif outcome == 'T': #if tails you lose.
                profit_loss =  -(bet_size * bank_roll) #Loss your bet and add that to bankroll
                result = 'L'
            bank_roll = bank_roll + profit_loss
            #below I create a dataframe which has columns below
            game_result.append([bet_size, result, bank_roll, sim, coin_toss])
df = pd.DataFrame(game_result, columns = ['Bet_Size','result','Bankroll', 'sim', 'coin_toss'])
df = df[df['coin_toss'] == (coin_tosses - 1)] #this selects the last  coin toss for each simulation. Effectively, this
#is your ending balance after N coin tosses.

x = df.groupby(['Bet_Size'])['Bankroll'].mean() #calculated E[V] by bet size by averaging the simulations based on
#bet size


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could you reformat your code? There is a way to insert code using some special tags.
You need to run more flips and trials. The times that you go bankrupt is making those spikes look more dramatic than they really are. I ran the same setup in R, using 20 trials at each betting level and running the game for 10k flips. I took the average winnings are each level and plotted against the betting level. I scaled the winnings to show curve better.

The Kelly criterion would be f*=0.25 in this case (b = 2, p =.5, q=.5). Looking at the plot, you can see that there is a maximum near the 0.25 range.

I set up the test with differing parameters (b = 1.5 p =.8, q=.2), so f*=.666666. R has limits on values so I had to adjust the flips to 1000 and upped the trials to 100. Below is the plot. If you ran it a billion times and smoothed it out there is probably a max at 0.666666 as Kelly says.

I was playing around with this some more and had issues with the largest number that can be handled is around 1.8 × 10^308. This severely limited the amount of flips I could run. Once you run a few million iterations you get to the max pretty quick.

To get around this I ran multiple trials with lesser flips. Then took the geometric mean of them, that's the trick.

Below is 2k flips per trial, and 10k trials,. p=0.5 and B = 1.2, so f* = 0.0833333. Looks like f* is a max to me. If you want my R code I'll send it.

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