I'm a junior buyside quant trader. AMA

On a side note, when I say X, Y, Z taught in MFEs aren't too applicable on the job as a trader or probably won't be asked on the trader interview, I don't mean to not spend effort learning it. It's useful to apply to a wider variety of roles (where those material might be more useful), and just proving you can learn something fast and well regardless of its direct applicability is a better signal than not doing well in the course because you didn't try. Like I probably won't use C++ much or at all in my career but I don't regret learning it (and learning C++ actually makes my Python a bit better)
Hey, thank you for starting this post. It's been helpful so far to read through your replies. I'm interested in Quant trader/analyst roles. I have a BS in Neuroscience with honors coursework from UT Austin (lower GPA of around 3.0) and an MS in Biomedical Sciences (higher GPA of 3.92). I have experience working in a neuroscience and A.I. lab and multiple journal publications. I'm currently doing data analysis for a project with one of my past science professors.

I'm beginning an online second bachelor's degree in Computer Science from ASU, including upper-division math courses (probability/stochastic process, etc.), a financial engineering course, machine learning, and others.

My questions are:
  • Is this a good path for someone with my background? Or is there a more optimal path?
  • How can I build a strong application?
Someone mentioned an MFE and someone else said just networking, keeping a high GPA, and doing a ton of projects should help. Thank you in advance.
Hi, I'm curious, in your opinion, how does the career track of quant trader and quant researcher compare? What are the pros/cons for each one? thanks!
How important is the ranking of my MFE program for such roles?
Is it better to get into say, UCLA, NCSU or wait an year or so and try for better programs?