India's educational system

The dude had an accident in Plainsborough, NJ, by himself. There was no other vehicle involved.
The dude had an accident in Plainsborough, NJ, by himself. There was no other vehicle involved.
Totally agree with you. In fact I would suggest that you watch a few videos on youtube, regarding accidents in Dubai/UAE. As Indians/Pakistanis are the majority group (70%) there, you can safely assume that either an Indian or a Pakistani was involved in those insane accidents. You would feel that the driver would be totally dumb to drive in that way. For this reason, apparently no one in UAE passes an Indian in driving test.
You are too uninformed. The fact is that Indians are too good at cheating; therefore, they get caught less number of times.

Do you even look at the list of countries with highest amount of Black money in other nations?

India has $1.6Trillion dollars! ~= GDP of India. More any any other country. Let alone China/US etc.

Do you even know that many Indians bribe officials of prestigious Institutes such as IITs, DCEs, NITs to give them the question paper (entrance exam) so that they can know the answers beforehand (Don't believe me? , just google). I have lived my entire life in India, and I believe that I am in a better position to comment on whether Indians cheat or not.

Total BS. There is no such 1 child policy in India, still there is corruption from top to bottom in India. As a matter of fact I paid $200 to get my driving license made (without giving any driving test!) because apparently they wouldn't pass me unless I go through the way of a pimp. It isn't just me. Almost everyone, in India, has obtained a driving license in this way. Even passports can be obtained in this manner.

And hey, this is the biggest reason that the traffic on roads in India is totally unorganized, with lane breaking and signal jumping being so frequent that people are, now, rarely fined for it.

I don't think you are in better position to comment on whether Indians cheat or not. You paid for your driving license, doesn't mean everybody does the same. It is just that if you don't want to spend your time, you pay and get it done. I went myself and got my license in a month by giving driving test.

There is no bribing to official of Institutes you mentioned especially IITs.
just google dude.

Did I ever mention that Indians can be in so denial. They will always pose a hunky dory image of India, as though everything is fine. In fact I don't even need to prove that. All people can see posts on the thread related to poor quality of education in Indian colleges. Many people's, including BBW's, comments were portrayed as racial. (Delhi College of Engineering -India's Premier Engineering College) (IIT fake degree professor)

If this professor can do this, he can also leak exam papers, big deal.

Do I need to mentioned about 2G scam?
Do I need to mentioned about $1.6T black money in swiss banks?

You got a DL in 1 month. It's again a joke. Indians spend months, even years, to get a driving license in Canada/UAE/US (even those who had 10 years experience of driving in India), but still aren't given one, because they don't know how to drive. I'll wager a million dollars, if you drive correctly (lane driving) for 100 kms.

Tell me honestly:
Have you ever jumped a traffic light?
Have to ever broken your lane?
Have you driven on the wrong side?

Further, I can even provide you statistics that most of the DLs given in India are through pimps.

Also, you still can't disprove that "there is no corruption in India", because I told you I got a DL by simply paying $200. If it weren't possible to get a DL this way, I would have never gotten one! It can't possibly be that I was the only dishonest person in this entire exercise. Everyone was involved (including the govt). Tell me : if the official weren't corrupt, how did I get my DL (in a week).

There is no bribing to official of Institutes you mentioned especially IITs.
Next time please provide facts to support your assertions. Don't jump to your conclusions.
$200 for a driving license in India!!!!!I think that you have this great sense of injustice because you totally got ripped off.

Yep I did in fact get ripped off. I won't deny that, because I found out that I could have it in $60! I was probably too inexperienced. lol
@ anujjain

Just read the article/blog on DCE and IIT. I have huge database to prove that quantum of corruption in India.

My relative, was previously in Navy, and told me all sorts of corruption carried out in Navy. I of course can't disclose either his name or other details.

I can, however, show the scale of visible corruption. Why do you think roads are constructed every 2-3 years in India, and after every rain, the road gets washed away.

Reason : Poor quality of mixture used on road. Very limited usage of coal tar. Benefit of getting contract to construct road every 2-3 years.

Just tell me : Why not build a road that lasts 20 years. But why would any corrupt official want that? Do you even know that the amount of money spend per kilometer on road construction is same as that in China, but roads in China are several several times better. (Here our own PM admits corruption in road construction. Deny that!)

I can show articles proving corruption at every level, from construction in Real estateIndustry to IT companies such as Satyam.
Next time please provide facts to support your assertions. Don't jump to your conclusions.

I am sure that you did not study at the IITs or any other premier college that you have mentioned in your posts and may be you are too self-conceited to realize that it was the lack of intellectual ability/ hard work on your part that you could make it through the entrance exams. Hence, you have no idea about what kind of hard work goes into cracking these examinations. Its too easy for you to malign the name of these institutions.

I do agree that a few cases have indeed surfaced up regarding malpractices in the Joint Entrance Exam for the IITs from 2006-2008 but all of them were related to a single professor who took advantage of his position to get his son into a good branch. But you seem to suggest that getting into IITs by paying bribes is a norm. I would say that you should have some proof before you make these wild claims.
I think that I should in fact run a journal to expose the quantum of corruption in India. lol

Perhaps IndiaLeaks?????
I am sure that you did not study at the IITs or any other premier college that you have mentioned in your posts and may be you are too self-conceited to realize that it was the lack of intellectual ability/ hard work on your part that you could make it through the entrance exams. Hence, you have no idea about what kind of hard work goes into cracking these examinations. Its too easy for you to malign the name of these institutions.

You do NOT need to study at an Institute to know that it is corrupt, just as you do not need to be a devil( or be associated with one) to know that it is bad.

As a matter of fact my cousin studies at IIT Delhi, so you need not tell what IITs are. The buildings are dilapidated. There are download limits everywhere (pathetic 500 MB/person/week). 3 students stay in every hostel room in those dilapidated hostels, with no AC no cooler. Let alone ACs, look at the pathtic drainage system at IIT delhi. The water gets clogged everywhere the moment monsoon arrives, and the entire hostel catches a malaria or a viral. The windows ( nt netted windows), so poor students can't even open the windows in this scorching heat, because then the mosquitoes enter.

And I have lived with my entire live in a state university (Punjab Agri. University, Ludhiana), which receives much much less money in form of grants but is maintained several times better than IIT Delhi.
I do agree that a few cases have indeed surfaced up regarding malpractices in the Joint Entrance Exam for the IITs from 2006-2008 but all of them were related to a single professor who took advantage of his position to get his son into a good branch. But you seem to suggest that getting into IITs by paying bribes is a norm. I would say that you should have some proof before you make these wild claims.
Your logic is the dumbest ever. Just because someone isn't caught does not mean it does not happen; the best example are the ministers in India. Tell me how many ministers are convicted in India. Since many ministers have not been caught, can you say most of them are honest?

I also have doubts whether you have ever lived in India. You must be smart enough that even the police and CBI are corrupt, so those officials can easily get away by paying ransoms/bribes to them.

Finally, we can very very safely say that corruption in India is a very serious problem. Can you deny the fact that the Black money of Indians stashed away in Swiss banks exceeds that of US+China+Russia+Uk+Ukraine combined?

Also, I can safely say that most of the Indians never ever register the house/land bought at the price they bought, in order to evade taxes such as stamp duty or property tax. For this reason, Indians are always double crossed by Indian government (and rightfully so) by acquiring their lands at the price at which it was registered/bought. Then Indians cry foul that government does not pay market rates, but I argue why should it. If you are not honest, do not expect honesty from others.
@ anujjain

Just read the article/blog on DCE and IIT. I have huge database to prove that quantum of corruption in India.

My relative, was previously in Navy, and told me all sorts of corruption carried out in Navy. I of course can't disclose either his name or other details.

I can, however, show the scale of visible corruption. Why do you think roads are constructed every 2-3 years in India, and after every rain, the road gets washed away.

Reason : Poor quality of mixture used on road. Very limited usage of coal tar. Benefit of getting contract to construct road every 2-3 years.

Just tell me : Why not build a road that lasts 20 years. But why would any corrupt official want that? Do you even know that the amount of money spend per kilometer on road construction is same as that in China, but roads in China are several several times better. (Here our own PM admits corruption in road construction. Deny that!)

I can show articles proving corruption at every level, from construction in Real estateIndustry to IT companies such as Satyam.
ehhh....mile would be better....Americans dont understand Kilometer...neither something called 'lac'...
@ Pragyesh

Dis you ever think that there was an ever easier route to IITs. Also, NOT everyone who gets in IITs is bright. Sire, you are totally wrong.

Almost 50% of seats in IITs are reserved for OBCs/SC/STs who get admitted very easily into these colleges, without putting in as much effort as a general applicant. Many of the times these seats fail to get filled because there are just not enough applicants. One of these years, the cut-off for these applicants actually fell to less than 1.


I can't possibly imagine getting that many marks is difficult.

ehhh....mile would be better....Americans dont understand Kilometer...neither something called 'lac'..
good one. Though I assumed that everyone on the quantnet community, being quants/future quants , would be familiar with metric system.
Anyway, 100km= around 62 miles.
My above posts are testimony to the fact that "Indians are always in Denial about facts, especially about India".

First Anuj said that "There is no bribing/corruption of officials at reputed colleges, especially IITs. When I produced evidence, Pragyesh then says this doesn't happen regularly. He said getting into them is tough for those people who get in, while I proved that 50% of the class got in the easy way. Now who knows who was actually an OBC/SC/ST. Getting these certificates costs barely 500 rupees in Bihar ($10).Why can't you guys just accept that India is corrupt.

Each of them backed away from the various other facts that I posted.
You do NOT need to study at an Institute to know that it is corrupt, just as you do not need to be a devil( or be associated with one) to know that it is bad.

As a matter of fact my cousin studies at IIT Delhi, so you need not tell what IITs are. The buildings are dilapidated. There are download limits everywhere (pathetic 500 MB/person/week). 3 students stay in every hostel room in those dilapidated hostels, with no AC no cooler. Let alone ACs, look at the pathtic drainage system at IIT delhi. The water gets clogged everywhere the moment monsoon arrives, and the entire hostel catches a malaria or a viral. The windows ( nt netted windows), so poor students can't even open the windows in this scorching heat, because then the mosquitoes enter.

I think you are seriously confused. What has dilapidated buildings, download limits, hostel rooms without ACs, drainage system has to do with

rishab dhar said:
"Do you even know that many Indians bribe officials of prestigious Institutes such as IITs, DCEs, NITs to give them the question paper (entrance exam) so that they can know the answers beforehand"

I am not able to see how the latter is an extension of the former.
@ rishabh's all posts

What are you trying to prove?
That there is a lot of corruption in India? Agreed.
Are you a part of it? Yes, because you bribed and you were dumb enough to get ripped off even on that.
What countries are you trying to compare? US? Germany? Again that is totally illogical as you are trying to compare apples to oranges.
Do you think other developing countries do not have corruption?
What have you done to solve all this? I probably can safely assume...NOTHING..and if you did, good for you , continue doing it and "inspire" others to do so (and if this is your way of doing it, I am sure its not working)

Talking about institutes. If you feel IITs or IIMs or any other colleges in India are not good enough for you, then please go get an admission somewhere else, again, if you did, good for both parties.

Government. If you are so worried about the Indian government, please work your way up to a position where you can make a change and DO IT. If you want a freedom of speech then you also have freedom to do "good". Please do not say, "It is so widespread that I would be crushed if I wanted to do something good", because I would have a long list of people who have done it.

There are people who get in good colleges in India and then in US on merit and perform their social responsibility by helping the needy. So please see the glass half full than half empty.

Andy, these are the kinds of threads for which I requested "dislike/disagree" button.
@ Aditya

I never intended to cause the conversation to go to that end, but the posters forced me to. My only point, as highlighted in my first post, was India is corrupt, and straight off every Indian on the planet jumped in to type that it is untrue.

@ Pragyesh

Those dilapidated buildings are testimony to the fact that, even though IITs get the highest grants in India among all Universities, the facilities offered are at best mediocre- a straight case of corruption ( Where did all that money go?)

Corruption isn't just bribery. It also extends to siphoning off public money for one's own benefit.
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