Intro to finance


As a new student in financial economics, I have a strong background in Mathematics and a decent background in C++ and other programming.

I have no background in finance. What would be a good "starter" book?

Thanks :)
There is a "recommended books" forum. At the top of that forum is a thread called "Master Reading List for MFE". You should start there.

EDIT: You're already in the recommended books forum... just look for the sticky thread.
Thanks. I didn't really know the level of depth of those books. But I'll have a look at them
Is it a good idea to spend time on Economics/Finance subjects (Microeco, Corp Fin, Banking...) after a long time playing with Math? So, what is the level of understanding Market for a quant?
@ Minh Tran,

I wouldn't worry too much about Economic. You won't really be needing that and for the most part anything you need will be self-contained. Granted, I don't know much, but I would refer you to the following books: Prof. Stefanica's book and Neftci's Principles of Financial Engineering. And if you're looking for a general, but not deep, intro to the markets, you can probably pick up any undergrad level Investments text.
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