Is Apple's phenomenal growth good for overall tech Industry?

4) iOS may be simple/uncomplicated, but it is the biggest advantage it has over its competitors. Most of the people who use these devices are not geeks/technocrats, they want something that is easy to use. This was the biggest reason why Windows was successful over Mac or Linux

This is completely wrong. Windows was not succesful because it was easier. Actually, it wasn't
The iPhone really showed us what a touchscreen can be, and I can confidently say that still, no phone, be it Andriod/Symbian etc, can match the responsiveness of the touchscreen of the iPhone/iPad. There always seems to be a lag in those devices. As a result, hardware for hardware, no OEM manufacturer has experienced sales growth anywhere close to what Apple has experienced.

I encourage you to try a Windows Phone 7 device and reassess your statement.
Windows 7 as an OS is so dead. I'd prefer Andrioid over it anyday.

I would have tried it, if its predecessor Windows 6 hadn't disappointed so much. I had bought an HTC windows powered phone couple of years back.

Also, FYI software has nothing to do with quality of touchscreen. As long as you keep on using crappy hardware, neither Android nor Windows can make your touchscreen awesome.

One of my friend's has Samsung Galaxy S 2. Agreed it is faster than my Apple iPhone (because it is single core), but it just can't match the smoothness and responsiveness of my touchscreen. Don't believe me? Either see a youtube video showing comparison or just buy both of them.

And it's been 4-5 years since Apple has been making this touchscreen!

I have an htc powered by windows, and it sucks.

After, I sold my almost 2 year old iPod (3rd G) for $200 2 weeks back ( bought for $350), I realized the resale value of Apple products. It doesn't dump the markets for the sake of sales, so unlike most other manufacturers.

And I've been struggling to sell my htc( bought for $400) 2 years back for even $100!. No buyers! Before that I sold my nokia cellphone for just $30, after 3 years of use; I had bought it for $250!. Same thing for Samsung. The resale values of their products suck big time.

I decided that ain't gonna buy any hardware non-Apple made for the simple reason : NO RESALE VALUE.
This is completely wrong. Windows was not succesful because it was easier. Actually, it wasn't

Are you sure? Btw I said one reason; I didn't say the only reason. I mentioned another reason : ability to use 3rd party hardware. Even then it's an opinion. It is NOT a fact. So you cannot say that I'm wrong, unless I stated a wrong fact. I would be wrong if I said pi = 6 and not 22/7. So get your RC right.There would be a load of other factors.

Ask any man on the street : Whether he would use Windows OS or Linux? The answer would be a unanimous Windows, and the most common reason would be because they find it easier to use ( Most people on the street wouldn't even know what third party hardware is). I'm a comp science student. Most my my mates in class found Windows easy to use in comparison to any OS. Everything feels intuitive on Windows XP - can't say about Vista and 7.

FYI : I still use Windows XP. I have used both Vista and Windows 7, and I will say that they are nothing but power hungry monsters which are not one bit easier to use than XP. My friend has bought a Windows 7 laptop, with i 3 processor and 3 gigs of RAM, but my 5 year old laptop with core 2 duo processor and just 1 gigs of RAM is much more responsive and easier to use. It's a pain in the butt to find anything on WIndows 7 and Vista.

I have used Linux ( the fedora flavor and the Ubuntu flavor), which probably the best OS if consider security issues etc etc , and Mac OS, but I found XP to be the best OS - not because of graphics, but because of ease of use.
Are you sure? Btw I said one reason; I didn't say the only reason. I mentioned another reason : ability to use 3rd party hardware. Even then it's an opinion. It is NOT a fact. So you cannot say that I'm wrong, unless I stated a wrong fact. I would be wrong if I said pi = 6 and not 22/7. So get your RC right.There would be a load of other factors.

Ask any man on the street : Whether he would use Windows OS or Linux? The answer would be a unanimous Windows, and the most common reason would be because they find it easier to use ( Most people on the street wouldn't even know what third party hardware is). I'm a comp science student. Most my my mates in class found Windows easy to use in comparison to any OS. Everything feels intuitive on Windows XP - can't say about Vista and 7.

FYI : I still use Windows XP. I have used both Vista and Windows 7, and I will say that they are nothing but power hungry monsters which are not one bit easier to use than XP. My friend has bought a Windows 7 laptop, with i 3 processor and 3 gigs of RAM, but my 5 year old laptop with core 2 duo processor and just 1 gigs of RAM is much more responsive and easier to use. It's a pain in the butt to find anything on WIndows 7 and Vista.

I have used Linux ( the fedora flavor and the Ubuntu flavor), which probably the best OS if consider security issues etc etc , and Mac OS, but I found XP to be the best OS - not because of graphics, but because of ease of use.

I was only talking about point #4. Windows has never been easier to use than any OS coming from Apple. You said that easy of use was the biggest reason and that is completely false.

Now, if you say that you are really used to the Windows interface and working on another environment doesn't come easy because things don't work they way you are expect them to work, that's totally different. As a matter of fact, that's the reason that you find Windows 7 hard to use. You are not used to the new interface.

My advice to you is to keep an open mind to learn new things when it comes to computers because they change really fast.
I was only talking about point #4. Windows has never been easier to use than any OS coming from Apple. You said that easy of use was the biggest reason and that is completely false.

My first non-Macintosh "graphical OS" was GEOS. I shunned 3.1 for Geoworks - it was highly superior IMHO :)

Windows wasn't properly (buggily) functional for me until 95.

At this point Ive learned to work with Windows rather than fight with it. I don't know if this is a viable metric to determine ease of use, however.
Anyway the discussion was about Apple's meteoric rise, and we somewhat drifted away from the discussion.

Probably another catalyst for Apple's growth:

Apple TV: Apple to Enter TV Display Business Late This Year/article21967.htm

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