This is my first post here. This is a great forum, am glad to have found it! I begin my MFE program this Fall.
I like to have a work-life-family-play-sleep balance (not sure if it is a woman thing .. but yes, I am a woman). I enjoy Math and Programming and have an interest in Finance. However, I hear horror stories about the work hours, stress levels and the job security in a Quant Job at Wallstreet. Are all quant jobs that way? Are there any quant jobs that require only 8 hours a day with lower stress levels? I am not concerned about earning a 6-figure salary, although it wouldn't hurt! I just want an intellectually challenging job; not a physically and emotionally challenging one. Is there hope for me?
This is my first post here. This is a great forum, am glad to have found it! I begin my MFE program this Fall.
I like to have a work-life-family-play-sleep balance (not sure if it is a woman thing .. but yes, I am a woman). I enjoy Math and Programming and have an interest in Finance. However, I hear horror stories about the work hours, stress levels and the job security in a Quant Job at Wallstreet. Are all quant jobs that way? Are there any quant jobs that require only 8 hours a day with lower stress levels? I am not concerned about earning a 6-figure salary, although it wouldn't hurt! I just want an intellectually challenging job; not a physically and emotionally challenging one. Is there hope for me?