It's 100°F plus degree in NYC today

My train was stuck for over 20 minutes, thank god it was an AC car...
My train was stuck for over 20 minutes, thank god it was an AC car...
the best thing about getting stuck in a train in newyork is when there are musicians abroad and they start playing instruments and what have you.
the best thing about getting stuck in a train in newyork is when there are musicians abroad and they start playing instruments and what have you.

There were 2 groups of A Capella groups during our interlude. Not very many people were amused! :D
the best thing about getting stuck in a train in newyork is when there are musicians abroad and they start playing instruments and what have you.
I guess you haven't met the lady who beats whatever musical object she carried at the time and went "I'm broke. And it's no joke".
It's on Lexington line or D line.
100 degrees in NYC? What the F? And some people say climate change is a hoax...I don't remember 100 F weather in the northeast US well...since ever, and I've lived there for about 20 years.
It's 104 in Central Park at 2PM.

The temperature hit 104 in New York City — 2 degrees shy of the city’s all-time record — and 106 in Newark, a new record, as a heat wave around the region intensified on Friday afternoon.

It was 2:10 p.m. when the temperature in Central Park climbed to 104 degrees, soaring past the record for July 22 in New York, set at 101 degrees in 1957, and getting close to the all-time high temperature in the city of 106, which was last reached in 1936. (The last time it was 104 was in July 1977.) The all-time record in Newark had been 105 degrees, set in 1901.
SYau :: dude! I was stuck on the train for 20 mins too...and then I get in the office and my buddy tells me he was stuck on the 6 train for a while too. WTF mta!? You owe me some money
100 degrees in NYC? What the F? And some people say climate change is a hoax...I don't remember 100 F weather in the northeast US well...since ever, and I've lived there for about 20 years.

Yea, it's time to leave for another planet.
Which planet? Uranus?
Andy Nguyen :: yeah but at least in LA i'm not sandwiched between 2 kids with too much sugar and a guy whose had too many ham sandwiches :D ... instead, A/C turned up with some gangsta rap bangin! lol

nah, I really like the subways; big supporter of public trans. I hate LA for that reason, or the lack thereof. car companies are to blame for that one...did you know LA actually had a railway system? GM bought the rights and squashed the project so people would buy their cars.
And some people say climate change is a hoax...I don't remember 100 F weather in the northeast US well...since ever, and I've lived there for about 20 years.

They're either morons or oil industry shills. All sorts of records for heat, flooding, and erratic weather are being established this year, in the US and worldwide. Yet TV weathermen are not allowed to utter the taboo words, "climate change." It remains "controversial."
100 degrees in NYC? What the F? And some people say climate change is a hoax...I don't remember 100 F weather in the northeast US well...since ever, and I've lived there for about 20 years.

This is not the first time the temp hits 100+ since I came to this country. So, I don't know what you are talking about.

Here is a link. It looks like somebody made the effort to compile some historical temperatures:
Which planet? Uranus?

Well, if all the engineers were focusing on engineering instead of stealing our financial jobs :p, maybe we would have a spaceship good enough to bring us to other solar systems, lol
Very funny guys... since when do a couple of steaming hot days imply global warming? come on now. there is also evidence of cooling...
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