Long-term goal of a quant.

finding sources of alpha? just like asking "What are typical long-term goals of a gold miner?". Find gold.
finding sources of alpha? just like asking "What are typical long-term goals of a gold miner?". Find gold.

Gold mining: the final frontier. These are the voyages of the starship Enterprise. Its five-year mission: to explore strange new worlds, to seek out new life and new civilizations, to boldly go where no man has gone before.
What are typical long-term goals of a quant?

I think the problem with the types of personalities that become quants is they don't actually have well-thought-out long term goals. If they did, they wouldn't have chosen to be a quant but some kind of business person where they would have been wildly successful using their brilliance and then can choose to do math and technical stuff as a hobby while donating plentifully to universities.

Yes, I'm being sarcastic, but it's based on the kinds of gripes I hear from quant types.
If you're interested in working for a quant hedge fund, most people will land a job (a very difficult process) and stay at their firm their whole career. There really aren't any exit opps, but you don't need them. You'll work your way up in the firm and make bank anyways... Some try to open their own shops but that is very difficult
most people will land a job (a very difficult process) and stay at their firm their whole career. There really aren't any exit opps, but you don't need them. You'll work your way up in the firm and make bank anyways...
1) Many people don't land jobs
2) Few (if any) stay at one firm their entire career
3) There will be exit ops, and people will need them
4) "Making bank" isn't guaranteed
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