My confusing profile
Hello guys,
I've been prowling the forum on and off the past few months....some good info and very helpful people here

. I know you guys don't evaluate profiles and stuff, and its not fair to ask, but my confusion is a tad different - I'll be applying to FE programs in 2010, and have NO IDEA what my profile would look like to anyone. I have some time - so the aim here is to see what I can do to get a good admit next year.
Profile :
Degree : B.Tech, Computer Science and Engineering, IIT Bombay...graduating 2010!
Experience : about 1 year in IT at a major investment bank in Hong Kong
Explanation :D : I failed a couple of courses (both advanced graduate level courses, what was I thinking!) in my final semester, and decided to take up the job and finish them remotely, reckoned I wouldn't get such a chance later (subprime had started). Less said the better, administrative hassles intervened , and I have to return to full time study next semester!
Other stuff : CPI - should end up at around 7.5/10, which I guess is decent for CS in IITB
Will get good recommendation(s) from work
GRE - 800,690,4.0
Have published a research paper at an international conference in CS...going to do more research work coming months..definitely hoping for at least one more!
Research internship in Canada working on General game playing bot...very cool, used monte carlo simulations
Other stuff, decent to good extra currics...national level bridge player, been trading stocks for a year, some algo trading as well
Good scores in JEE and CAT if anyone cares (or knows what that means :P)
So, I guess I have a fairly interesting

profile, plus loads of spare time now. Plan for the next few months is : finish courses, write GMAT, write Math GRE, write CFA (been preparing for all three, fairly confident), try and publish a paper. Thinking about the IB Olympiad this year.
Working on some startup ideas with some friends.
Qs : Anything else in particular I should do which'll beef up my profile? I have no target schools in mind as yet, way too early for that.
Long post I know, but would sincerely appreciate any advice! Very determined for a quant finance career, and pretty sure I have what it takes, just in the process of figuring out how to get there.