Minimum GRE score for entry into quant programs

I have too got my verbal score in the range 450-540. Suppose I get 25 percentile, is this acceptable to a Top Quant School?
I want to go into investment banking because it appeals to me. I find it interesting and it has been my dream for many years now. The financial markets fascinate me and observing them and analyzing is what I want to dedicate my life to.

If you are asking specifically what kind of trading I would like to do I would probably at the moment say foreign exchange. I'm sure as I continue my studies and start working that it might change. I am most focused on and interested in doing something where I could use my mathematical abilities.

You say that investment banking certainly does not require an MFE degree. Would you say that there was a better way for me to go?
Employers want to know what you can do for them, and have little regard for how you feel. You need to take a good hard look at your skill set and how you would convince an employer that it is best for a particular job that they are offering. Think of this way: Are you a sports fan, or a professional athlete? Can you perform a specific banking function, or are you a hobbyist? Look at job listings and determine if your skills match those sought. Obversly, consider your own career aspirations and personal goals. Ask yourself if you would be satisfied doing a particular job all day, every day. Would you stay in this career even if it paid a teacher's salary? You should apply the same analysis when considering further education. Would the skill set provided by that education match to the available jobs that you want to do for a living?

You also mentioned foreign exchange. Why don't you start trading this afternoon using one of the many on-line FX brokerage services? Many of these services let you run practice trades.
Employers want to know what you can do for them, and have little regard for how you feel. You need to take a good hard look at your skill set and how you would convince an employer that it is best for a particular job that they are offering. Think of this way: Are you a sports fan, or a professional athlete? Can you perform a specific banking function, or are you a hobbyist? Look at job listings and determine if your skills match those sought. Obversly, consider your own career aspirations and personal goals. Ask yourself if you would be satisfied doing a particular job all day, every day. Would you stay in this career even if it paid a teacher's salary? You should apply the same analysis when considering further education. Would the skill set provided by that education match to the available jobs that you want to do for a living?

You also mentioned foreign exchange. Why don't you start trading this afternoon using one of the many on-line FX brokerage services? Many of these services let you run practice trades.

First of all, thank you for your answer! Can you recommend a certain on-line FX brokerage service? I have tried one or two but neither of them were really convenient.
Try this:
I haven't tried it myself. A friend of mine works there, and for that reason I know that this is a legitimate brokerage. There is a link for a free practice account.
Yes, I took it on 18 October. I got a score range of Q:750-800, V : 560-660. I am keeping my fingers crossed at this moment, even though I am quite sure that I have got all questions right in the Quantitative Aptitude section. To be honest, the revised GRE score reports have been scary so far :devil:
No... Its ultimately the percentile that matters
The below is a verbatim comment from the Manhattan GRE Blog :-

750-800 Math estimates can end up all over the place – 750-800 was the best quant estimate that you could get on the revised GRE, but today that range can mean a score as low as the 85 percentile (based on scores we have heard so far). The fact that a range of 6 score values on the old test (750, 760, 770, 780, 790, 800) translates to at least 10 different score values on the new test (162, 163, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170) shows just how out of whack the old quant scale was. Unfortunately, it also means that receiving a 750-800 estimate on your quant doesn’t tell you much about what your official score will actually be.

Did anybody else receive the revised GRE score report ?

I received mine yesterday.
My estimates were: Q750-800 V610-710
and my actual scores were Q170 (99th) V160 (86th) W5.5 (96th).

For anyone curious about what the new scores correspond to in terms of the old scores and percentiles check out:
Got a Q170. My AWA is only 4.0 though (48%) . Is that too bad for top MFE programs?
I don't think it would be a problem. Some people on the forum might argue about it but I think you should be fine. All the people I know who got into top MFE programs had similar scores and most of them even lower ;)
Hi All
has anyone taken both the new and the old versions?..How does the new quant section compare to the old one?

Hi, im New here. I was just wondering how some of you are reporting Q170 when the maximum you can get is a Q166? Please see table 1D on page 21 of which is the relevant table for use between nov, 1 2011 and june, 30 2012. My score is Q164, V157.
well you have wrong info, the max for new ones is 170 while the old test can match to a maximum of 166. your score can be matched to 790 quant of old version.
Thanks guys, I didn't know the scores come out too quickly.
I got Q170, V157(77th) and AWA 4.0.

I used the Princeton guide, find it particular useful for the V and AWA part. (I only spent around 1 month on and off prepping, the exam strategies provided was very helpful even you don't have a solid verbal/writing background)
hi everyone :) ...
i have a GRE score of 1120 - quant 800 & verbal -320
toefl - 101
academic : 8.01/10 ( 3.2/4)
looking for universities in financial engineering ...
do i stand a chance of getting into columbia , cornell ,NYU poly , baruch ?
hi everyone :) ...
i have a GRE score of 1120 - quant 800 & verbal -320
toefl - 101
academic : 8.01/10 ( 3.2/4)
looking for universities in financial engineering ...
do i stand a chance of getting into columbia , cornell ,NYU poly , baruch ?

noone can tell u if u stand a chance if u dont tell your profile completely. academic in which stream? which uni?

there are a lot of factors other than gre quant which decide whether you get into the school.