MIT MFin MIT MFin Admission Discussion

One request everyone updating the tracker - Can you also post the location of the Interview in the NOTE.
Would be helpful in assessing any trend in the order applications are reviewed.
I received an interview invitation last Friday January 27, for interviewing at Cambridge MA.

I know you just join here, but could you kindly post your profile on the tracker? Also, could you recall how many slots left when you register for your interview?

Best of luck to you!
22 spots left
Hi! thank you for sharing information! when did you submit your application and video interview? I saw on the website that the invitations are sent on rolling basis. I submitted both on the deadline so I am just wondering whether they are still reviewing my application. Thanks! :)
any updates for Cambridge? Anyone knows how many spots are left?

Well, I'm giving up hope...;p Considering someone posts their interview schedule on the Tracker to be around Feb.22nd, not many spots left. Why nobody getting the interview for Cambridge site helps disclose this information for us?!
Well, I'm giving up hope...;p Considering someone posts their interview schedule on the Tracker to be around Feb.22nd, not many spots left. Why nobody getting the interview for Cambridge site helps disclose this information for us?!
Well, I just attended its online chat. They said they will notify every applicant once they are done sending out invitations... Probably rejection letters are on the way...
Hi ! I signed up and participated in the MFIN web chat hosted by the Admissions team today. (I was a silent participant - Didn't ask any questions as I didn't want to jeopardize my application chances) While today's web chat was meant for future applicants, a good number of current year applicants did ask some interesting questions. Here Iam compiling some of the Useful questions and answers here. I have rearranged the order of questions (from the actual question flow in the web chat) - posting important questions related to Admissions Process first and then some useful Generic Questions.Not all Questions from the Chat are posted here( because some of them were either too obvious or too basic) :

Q: Are interview invitations still being assigned?
A: Yes we are still in the process of sending out interview invitations.

Q:I want to ask whether the invitation for on-site interview in Beijing, China has all been sent out?
A: We are still in the process of reviewing applications and will continue to roll out interview invitations.

Q:Hi, when will be the approximate last day or date range of receiving a possible interview invitation located in china?
A:We will reach out as soon as we have any additional information to share about your application. Our committee is still in the process of reviewing applications and sending out invites for interviews.

Q: I have been invited to an on-site interview in London and wanted to know a bit more about those interviews, what I should expect and how I should prepare! For instance, should I bring a CV or not?
A: we have all of your application materials on hand, so you do not need to bring anything additional to your interview other than your passport for identification purposes. Other than that, you will have two 20 minute interviews and meet with two members of our admissions committee. The interviews are behavioral based and we will ask questions based on your background, experiences and professional goals.

Q:For the interview round can one expect only behavioral questions or will there be other type of questions asked?
A: the questions asked during the interview will be behavioral based. We will ask questions based on your experiences, accomplishments and how you handle specific situations. We will also ask questions regarding your professional experience and your professional goals.

Q:I have a question regarding the video statement post Application submission . Since the question asked for the video statement was a non technical one, I just wanted to understand if it was meant to test our speaking skills. Second Question - From last year's application numbers- I remember Heidi Pickett mentioning that a third of the applicants are invited for interview and a third of the interviewed candidates were given admissions. Would that be the same for this year too?
A:Yes, the video statement was to help us get a better understanding of your communication skills. Communication is a very important skill in order for students to be successful in our program. I do not have stats yet on the number of candidates who will be invited to interview, but I'm expecting our numbers to be similar to last year.

Q:Is a good average score of Mathematics courses like above 90 significantly helpful in the assessment for a candidate?
A: given the quantitative rigor of our program, it is helpful to demonstrate strong performance in your quantitative coursework. With that said, our admissions process is very holistic and we take many factors into consideration with assessing candidates.

Q:Any tips for candidates who have 4-5 years of work experience? Do they stand disadvantaged because the program is aimed at early stage professionals. Is there any thing more that you expect from a mid career professional seeking admission ?
A: Applicants with more work experience are not at a disadvantage, it's more based on the fact that a majority of our applications come from early career professionals with typically 0-4 years of experience. With that said, we have had students in the program with more experience with more than 4 years of experience. For applicants with more experience, we are looking to hear from you how our program will help you reach your personal and professional goals and why it is the right fit.

Q: Three more questions(sorry for the trouble) first- Is there an advantage if the candidate has greater number of Math courses (like calculus, vector algebra) taken up during Undergrad, ? (assuming two candidates and one of them has taken extra math courses and all other things equal). second- do you have a waitlist (to accommodate students incase some of the admitted students decide not to join), Third - Do you have Alumni/Professors sitting on the iinterview panel, or is it Just the Admissions Team Members.
A: it is important to understand that our application process is very holistic. We take many factors into consideration when evaluating someones candidacy. Coursework is just one data point. Having prior quantitative coursework is definitely helpful, but students who do not have extensive quantitative coursework have still been admitted to the program and have done quite well. We do have a waitlist and will release candidates from the waitlist should additional space in the class come available. Lastly, we only have admissions team members conducting interviews. We do not use faculty or alumni.

Q:For the students invited for interview, are final decisions made based on the interview round alone or the whole application is taken into consideration ?
A:the interview is just one aspect of the application assessment process. All pieces of your application will be considered during the final review.

Q:does the admissions team send "Not selected for interview" mails in case some one does not make the cut for the interview? Or do they have to wait till March 9th. Thank you so much for patiently answering the questions.
A:once we have completed sending out our interview invitations, we will follow up and notify those who will not be receiving an invitation.

Q:Hi admission officers, I want to know how you weight a candidate's materials like recommendation letters, internships and GMAT scores, and what part you value most ?
A:No one part of the application is valued more. We look at applications in a holistic manner and every thing you submit is taken into consideration. We are looking for well rounded candidates.

Q:Will the professional certification matters a lot? Such as SAS certification, P, or fm tests of actuary science. Since I am considering study for those test, and even CFA level1. But I am afraid that will take my time from preparing interviews of interns. So I want to make sure which is more important for my future master degree study?
A: professional certifications such as the CFA, SAS, etc are an additional data points and will most certainly be taken into consideration.

Q: Hi, for international students you think there will be any modification in the process of the J-1 Visa given the US new foreign policy?
A: Regarding immigration, at this point in time we do not have any additional information than what is currently in the public domain. With that said, we have not changed our admissions practices and continue to seek the best and brightest candidates from across the globe.

Q: It is mentioned that the average work experience of the class is 1.5 years. Are there students with >4 years of work experience? If yes, what % of the class do they form?
A: We had students in the MFin program at all stages of their careers, however 17 months is the averages and the program is geared more towards early stage professionals.

Q: Is there a Minimum GPA?
A: There is not a minimum GPA requirement. The average undergrad GPA on a 4.0 scale for the Class of 2016 was 3.7.

Q:I want to ask what the average GRE score is for the students that were accepted into the program.
A:we don't post averages for our test scores but for this year's class the range of GRE scores was 163-170 for quant and 151-164 for verbal. You can find a full current class profile here on our website: Master of Finance (Mfin) Class Profile | MIT Sloan School of Management

Do you have any cutoff for TOEFL for Intl students?
A: we do not have any cut-offs for TOEFL. It is just one data point that we consider in our process.

Q:I want to about the scholarship opportunity for the student of south Asia or Bangladesh?
A:The MFin program offers a limited number of fellowships. They are not tied to specific geographic regions.

Q: Is working experience a must for the admission?
A: We will evaluate both FT and internship experience for admission. Over 60% of the class comes right from undergad and only has internship experience.

Q:Do students receive financial aid in the MFin program? If yes, what share of students get financial aid? Further, do students get the opportunity to work as RAs or TAs?
A: A limited number of fellowships are awarded to students in the MFin program. All admitted candidates are considered for these fellowships. Fellowships are awarded to individuals with outstanding academic records, personal achievements, and professional promise. Here is more info on fellowships and tuition: Tuition and Financial Aid - MFin | MIT Sloan School of Management
Additionally, some MFin students will TA, however due to the academic rigor, it is sometimes hard to fit a TA-ship into your schedule.

Q:Dear Sir/Madam, may I know on average how many percentages of the MFin class would be able to get the fellowship? Thank you.
A: I don't have that percentage, but there are a limited number of merit-based, partial fellowships that are awarded each year.

Q:I don't have any work experience am i eligible for fellowship ?

A:Fellowships are awarded based on a holistic review of your entire application. Work experience is not a requirement for a fellowship.

Q:Do we have chance to continue Phd after graduating it?
A:Yes, we do have MFin students who go on to pursue a PhD program after they graduate.

Q:If I have CIMA degree, will it give me any advantage for admission ? I mean Fellowship..
A:Applications are reviewed holistically, considering your academic and professional background as well as personal qualities. The admissions committee looks for a high level of excellence in test scores, grades, communication, leadership, teamwork, innovation and professional experience in determining admissions and fellowships.

Q:I am from Bangladesh currently working in Canada and finished my undergrad from here in May. My first question is what level of programming experience is needed to qualify for the program? Second, how do you count buy-side work experience as an Investment Analyst for 1.5 year over internships. Which one is more preferable?
A: programming experience is not required for the program, but having a programming foundation can be helpful. Programming knowledge in Python, R, C++, etc are some of the more common languages our students are familiar with. With that said, we have students who join our program with no programming experience at all and perform well in the program. As for prior work experience, many of our students come into our program with only internship experience, so there is not a disadvantage to only having internship experience. As for the type of finance internship, that does not matter as much to us. Its more important that your internships align and are helpful to you achieving your short and long term professional goals.

Q:IF an applicant has a masters degree, would you consider the GPA from the Bachelor's degree alone, or would you take into consideration the scores in the Masters degree as well?

A:We will look at both GPAs and transcripts in evaluating your application.

Q:If at the moment I am studying international management, in which way could I prove the quantitative skills that is demanded for this program (any certificates or titles) ? and if I have proficiency in Spanish,french, Chinese and english it would be take into consideration ?
A:We could look for evidence of quantitative skills through your internship experience (if it's numbers driven or analytical), through your GMAT or GRE scores, from any coursework you took during UG or from special titles or certifications you may have received....Those you can include on your resume! Please include any languages spoken on your resume.

Q:I am pursuing my B Com with specialization in Accounting & Finance. My degree, however, does not include topics that cover programming and calculus. Would I still stand a chance?
A:we have students entering our program from all academic disciplines, but given the quantitative rigor of our program, it's helpful to have taken some quantitative coursework prior to joining our program.

1. They are indeed giving out Interview calls on a rolling basis. The process is not over yet.
2. Once they are done with Giving out all Interview Invites, they would email the rejections. (so safe to expect reject mails only after mid Feb)
3. Two Interviews-20 min each with 2 of admissions staff.Purely Behavioral. No technical stuff. Do take your passport for ID purposes.
4. No Alumni/Professors In the Interview . Only Admission officers/Admission team.
5.They do have a wait list.(But you need to be interviewed to get onto the wait list.)
6. Seems like Math Knowledge plays an Important role. Emphasized a lot about Math.
7. 60% of the class comes fresh out of Grad.(probably with just some Internship Exp)
8. Do you have more than 4 yrs of experience? The class would be filled with a lot of guys younger than you. so you need to have a strong explanation why you are interested in the program and how you would fit.
9. Dont fret much about that Video statement question .(some of the Questions were weird). It was meant to test your communication skills.

Hope this helps.
Seems like they have started sending the rejection letter. Got mine Just now.. Hard luck..

Here is what the reject letter said:

The Admissions Committee of the MIT Sloan Master of Finance (MFin) program has considered your application and has concluded that we cannot offer you a place in the incoming class.

This year, approximately 2,000 candidates have competed for 120 places in the MFin class. Since we have so few spaces to offer, the challenge is selecting not only academically and professionally qualified applicants, but also the very strongest candidates from a field of extraordinarily talented individuals.

We realize this news comes as a disappointment. However, we do hope that you will accept our best wishes for your success.



Rod Garcia
Senior Director of Admissions

P.S. Unfortunately, due to the size of our staff and pool of applicants, we are unable to conduct post-evaluative interviews.

All the Best to everyone!!!
Seems like they have started sending the rejection letter. Got mine Just now.. Hard luck..

Here is what the reject letter said:

The Admissions Committee of the MIT Sloan Master of Finance (MFin) program has considered your application and has concluded that we cannot offer you a place in the incoming class.

This year, approximately 2,000 candidates have competed for 120 places in the MFin class. Since we have so few spaces to offer, the challenge is selecting not only academically and professionally qualified applicants, but also the very strongest candidates from a field of extraordinarily talented individuals.

We realize this news comes as a disappointment. However, we do hope that you will accept our best wishes for your success.



Rod Garcia
Senior Director of Admissions

P.S. Unfortunately, due to the size of our staff and pool of applicants, we are unable to conduct post-evaluative interviews.

All the Best to everyone!!!

Were you interviewed?
Rejected! I'm surprised, as I got the offer for the PhD program at U. Wisconsin-Madison=)))
Rejected too. I guess it's because of the pre-recorded interview. I prepared for it for like a day and double checked several times that it has been uploaded. Yet, they said they have not received it. When I emailed the admission, they said they can not do anything about this... Whatever.. I am a little disappointed about their admission process. I know someone who held the same degree at my school, around the same GPA, but lower GRE score, and almost no internship experience, got invited to their interview last year. lol. Either this year is super competitive, or they just don't care about their candidates.
Rejected too. I guess it's because of the pre-recorded interview. I prepared for it for like a day and double checked several times that it has been uploaded. Yet, they said they have not received it. When I emailed the admission, they said they can not do anything about this... Whatever.. I am a little disappointed about their admission process. I know someone who held the same degree at my school, around the same GPA, but lower GRE score, and almost no internship experience, got invited to their interview last year. lol. Either this year is super competitive, or they just don't care about their candidates.
You're super competitive...
Not surprising they rejected me too...
You deserve better lol
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