Multiple Quantitative Finance Programs at Columbia???

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Hello All,

Is anyone familiar with any of these programs at Columbia? I visited the department of engineering to find out more about their MFE program and I was also referred to a few other programs.

Here's the full list of programs I was referred to:

M.S. in Financial Engineering
M.S. in Management Engineering Systems (Specialization in Revenue and Risk Management)
M.S. in Operations Research - Methods in Finance (CVN online/web program)
M.A. in Mathematics of Finance

Not sure what the difference is between these programs and how they are perceived in the market. Does it make sense to go for an alternative or should I just aim for the MFE program? I'm finding it difficult to understand why the university offers so many similar programs.

Thanks all.

Thanks, I've read through these posts and none of these address the following program:

M.S. in Operations Research - Methods in Finance (CVN online/web program)

Does anyone have an idea how this program is perceived by the market? The way CVN works is that you watch taped lectures and complete the program remotely. However, you are also able to attend live classes if you wish.

Is this option just a waste of time and money? I'm curious because when I went for my visit they mentioned taking coureses in this program as sort of a stepping stone to the full-time MFE program.

Here are the required courses for the program:

Core Courses (18 credits):

Sequence 1 (Must be completed first)

1) IEOR E4007: Optimization Models and Methods for Financial Engineers
2) IEOR E4106: Intro to Operations Research: Stochastic Models

The Department requires grades of B- or higher in the Sequence 1 courses before continuing with the program. Students who do not meet this criterion may be asked to transfer to the Master of Science program in Operations Research or Engineering Management Systems (

Sequence 2

3) IEOR E4403: Advanced Engineering and Corporate Economics
(formerly known as Advanced Corporate Finance)
3) IEOR E4003: Industrial Economics
4) IEOR E4703: Monte Carlo Simulation
5) IEOR E4706: Financial Engineering: Discrete-Time Asset Pricing
(formerly known as Financial Engineering I)
6) IEOR E4707: Financial Engineering: Continuous-Time Asset Pricing
(formerly known as Financial Engineering II)

Elective Courses (12 credits):

Students must choose 4 elective courses from those listed below.

IEOR E4407: Game Theory Models of Operation
IEOR E4601: Dynamic Pricing and Revenue Management
IEOR E4602: Quantitative Risk Management
IEOR E4709: Data Analysis for Financial Engineers
IEOR E4718: Introduction to the Implied Volatility Smile
IEOR E4731: Credit Derivatives
SIEO W4801: Introduction to Property: Liability Insurance Models
SIEO W4802: Introduction to Life Insurance and Aggregate Loss Models
CSOR W4231: Analysis of Algorithms, I
APMA E4200: Partial Differential Equations

There is a thread in QN that talks about the online program in Columbia. Do some research and you will find it. That thread was active more than a year ago.
Andy: Beat me to it! I was about to post that link!

Some good stuff in there. BTW, the calculus refresher this year also had people going back & forth in real time. It was a sight to behold.
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