Baruch MFE My experience with Baruch MFE admission process

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They could possibly be wrong in ur particular situation for what ever reasons, It doesn't mean that they are always wrong. I am 100% positive, some one else out there might have great experience with Baruch too. MFE students are willing to spend at least $60K/yr for their tuition and other expenses, they won't seem to care another $135. This is how you learn, you got to be there for turns;)

Applicants who are eventually admitted would tell you ex-post that they had no issues paying 135 USD since it represents an insignificant percentage of the total investment but they did not know ex-ante that they would be admitted so your logic is fallacious. This is analogous to saying that a lottery winner wouldn't care to spend, say, 100 USD on a lottery ticket since he won it but ex-ante its pretty apparent that his act of purchasing a lottery ticket with the hopes of winning a lottery is statistically -EV.

With regards to your video and posts by other short sighted posters, a "crybaby" is someone who cribs about an unfavorable decision. I'm not cribbing about it and have stated it a couple of times already that this means little to me since I've other options (that I believe are much better programs apart from cost). I'm merely stating all this in the interests of transparency. Yes, I did argue in another thread that there seemed little room for my profile to be denied as I see it. But, I did not mean to say it with the intent of cribbing about it but to corroborate my point of view that the application process is unfair and whimsical as I understand it more so given my interaction with one of the members of the Admissions Committee who was also my first round interviewer.

Moreover, I have brought up other issues that clearly depict the unfairness and lack of rigor in ensuring an apt review process with incontrovertible evidence. In spite of this, the Director dstefan has responded to these specific cases with severely vacuous statements completely devoid of any new information merely trying to reinforce publicly available information on the Baruch MFE's website without providing any explanation as to why the issues I bring up are false; more so completely ignoring the evidence I provide. This behavior of merely reiterating information rather than responding relevantly and specifically providing apt clarifications that falsify my concerns is very much akin to politicians' and media personalities' behavior when asked a question that they are not comfortable responding to in a frank way. Moreover, he blatantly and wrongfully accuses me of "insulting" others without providing context as to which posts are "insulting". The ones that he does provide merely show "a lack of agreement" and can't be interpreted as "insulting" even by the most sensitive person under any stretch of imagination. He, on the contrary, conveniently ignores his ex-students "insulting" me and each other even when they do so in a way that can't be anything but "insulting" ironically.

Consider this :

As I have already mentioned on the "Columbia MSOR vs Baruch MFE thread", my first round interviewer clearly told me that he stated to the Admissions Committee that I answered all the questions correctly (I don't have any reason to doubt him since I did answer all the questions correctly except the last one which I answered partially correctly). Yet, dstefan states that on reviewing my application, there was a good reason to not extend an invite for a second round interview.

Don't you think it axiomatically follows that if there exists a reason that is critically unacceptable enough to not extend an invite for a second interview in spite of the fact that the applicant answered all questions on the first interview correctly (and the interviewer confirmed that as far as his views are concerned, he had only positives to state as claimed by him over the phone), then that reason must be critically unacceptable enough not to extend a first round interview invite in the first place itself ?

I, personally, do not comprehend how this can be part of a fair application review process.

I have nothing more to share, clarify or justify about this matter. If you (or anyone else for that matter who is reading this thread) believe it is an anomaly, do so at your own peril. Regardless of whether you take this thread seriously or hope it to be an anomaly akin to a helpless eternal optimist, I wish you my best and would seek to assist you in anyway I can regardless of whether you choose to reciprocate or not(even the ones who chose to insult me on the other thread).
I would like to share my experience with my baruch application process. I guess everyone has different approach to rejection. But this is how i reacted.

When I first applied, I was denied straight without answer. I knew why i was short "not good enough". I was angry at myself, i was depressed, i cried etc etc. Infact, I got a perception that my abilities were far below any other students attending this program at baruch.

Do you know what i was told when i got rejected? "this program is not for you". This i was told by the director himself.

However, I didn't give up. I studied my butt off for a year and and reapplied the next year after i got much better grades at other universities and then i got admitted. At the same time, i still kept in touch with the admissions committee throughout the year. The people saw how much i wanted to be part of the group. I was willing to sacrifice anything. In fact, the director probably got annoyed by my constant bickering at how to get in.

But you know, its not your grades that will get you admitted. Thats just part of it. I know some students who got admitted at CMU and they weren't particularly smarter than me anyway whatsoever. You are not being judged by your grades. When I had my interview at baruch, i might have missed couple of easy questions in my answers, but i kept my interviewers laughing and we had other conversations as well.

You need to know how you carry yourself in a public forum and how you carry yourself after hearing a rejection. After getting rejected so many times in life, this process just seems so natural for me now. (joke). Now tell me, after all this complaining, do you think you have helped your chances at getting into any other university in the future? Once they see how you are complaining? lets say some school (CMU or NYU etc) looks into this forum. They will only judge you based on your complaints. keep things to yourself. ask admissions what you can do to better your chances. Infact, you should have reached out to one of the many alumni from Baruch and asked for suggestions on what you can do to get in. All of us are very keen on helping.

Merely pointing out some stupid forum where people are clearly "cheating" to get admitted. Infact, i never knew such a forum even existed until after you told me. The fact that you are reading those forums is not good. I would suggest to stay away from those forums. Trust me, the fact that you know it, chances are, everyone in our admissions committee know it also.

You are more than welcome to contact me or anybody else...and we can help you.
They could possibly be wrong in ur particular situation for what ever reasons, It doesn't mean that they are always wrong. I am 100% positive, some one else out there might have great experience with Baruch too. MFE students are willing to spend at least $60K/yr for their tuition and other expenses, they won't seem to care another $135. This is how you learn, you got to be there for turns;)

I don't agree. Let's call it a draw.

Advait has a point. I also don't believe the process is fair. It comes down to, I think, who interviewed you.

The director himself might be doing his best to make this program or its selection process as perfect as possible and there are many people witnessing this here or there. I sincerely believe this.

On the other hand, I believe the interviewer that I had (not the director himself) was ignorant. I answered all the questions correctly in the interview but I felt at the end of the interview that the result was going to be negative for my application. If you have ever applied for a job, you know this type of person. It gives you an impression like he had to skip his lunch because of your interview and has no interest in your answers.
It is basically an ingeniously nefarious way to suck in potential applicants' 135 USD as application fees by having them believe they have a semblance of a chance when most of them quite frankly do not and it also helps them to beef up their admission statistics besides the increased revenue.

Moreover, I've been directed towards another forum called unfortunately after my first round interview, a Chinese education forum, where all the questions asked in Interview 1 and Interview 2 are available in great detail with perfect solutions. Also, one interviewee was so snobbish that he wrote the equivalent of : "If you don't understand the question since the interviewer has a weird accent, just answer the questions in the order I've written since he asks the questions in the same order!"
Regardless of whether this is actually true or not, this is retardedly hilarious! The questions moreover haven't even changed over the years! This is ridiculous! Are the admission committee members naive or just downright lazy?!! I did not pay 135 USD to sign up for this biased ludicrous application review process.
(given that in the case of an applicant who can understand Mandarin/Cantonese, the probability that they do well on the interviews ~1 if they do a bit of research!)

The web-posted interview questions do seem a little unfair. But it’s also interesting to note that numerous Chinese applicants pay thousands of dollars’ worth of fee to application agencies. What do they get? Probably nothing either.
No one is entitled to a spot just because he or she ticks off all the boxes. Also, $135 is trivial.

Baruch voluntarily charges less tuition than other schools and is more transparent, and you are accusing them of money-grabbing?
Hi Advait. Congrats on your other offers!

I would like to caution you that once you complete your program, you may face similar situations when looking for a job. Once you find your great job, you may face similar situations when competing for a promotion.
Advait has a point. I also don't believe the process is fair. It comes down to, I think, who interviewed you.

The director himself might be doing his best to make this program or its selection process as perfect as possible and there are many people witnessing this here or there. I sincerely believe this.

On the other hand, I believe the interviewer that I had (not the director himself) was ignorant. I answered all the questions correctly in the interview but I felt at the end of the interview that the result was going to be negative for my application. If you have ever applied for a job, you know this type of person. It gives you an impression like he had to skip his lunch because of your interview and has no interest in your answers.
Is this the reason you gave a bunch of dislikes and disagrees?

Quite funny, lashin' out in all directions :)
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It is basically an ingeniously nefarious way to suck in potential applicants' 135 USD as application fees by having them believe they have a semblance of a chance when most of them quite frankly do not and it also helps them to beef up their admission statistics besides the increased revenue.

This one always makes me laugh. To increase revenue, they should rather accept you and let you pay the tuition.