Need advice to choose my next job

Hi all,

So I have been working in the IT division of an IB for 1 year. I have an option to rotate within the company.

1. First option is to move to Equity Derivatives IT where they build out the new analytics system using akka, scala for risk and pricing. So I have a chance to learn about concurrency programming, scalable distribution system.

2. Second option is to move to Credit Risk IT where I will do some C++ for the legacy risk engine (regulatory stuff that currently cant be implemented on the new strategic engine) and with some plan to rewrite this legacy risk engine into Java. I will be the only C++ person in the team.

I know C++ will be helpful for a traditional quant development job later but for the akka, scala project I have a chance to actually write some new code, learn new technology and big system design process. For C++ option, I may just spend most of the time fixing bugs and changing formulas in the legacy risk engine.

Given that I will do an MSc in Financial Maths in 1 or 2 years and look to switch to do some quant dev in xVA (CVA, DVA, FVA) , Risk Management area, what option should I choose ?

Thanks Ken for the advice. After doing some more research, I have decided to take the credit risk analytics position :)
I guess this is too late. But notice how a credit risk IT position became a credi risk analytics position. The position you described is the kind where usually you won't actually learn much about analytics. As you say, you'll be too busy fixing bugs.
I guess this is too late. But notice how a credit risk IT position became a credi risk analytics position. The position you described is the kind where usually you won't actually learn much about analytics. As you say, you'll be too busy fixing bugs.

Hi C S. Sorry for not being clear. Its the credit risk analytics team within Credit Risk IT. The team owns the legacy C++ code base of the old engine and works with risk quants and model validation team to implement new regulatory requirements onto the engine. Whereas I think for the strategic credit risk engine, the new C++ code base belongs to the quant team. After joining so far, I have been exposed to quite a fair bit of the analytics side: Hull White model, Inflation-linked bonds simulation etc..The work doesn't involve much fixing bugs so far..I hope its a good opportunity for me to improve my C++ and Credit Risk knowledge :)
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