Need advice

Hi Andy,
I need some advice from you. i am a student from India and i am a permanent resident of the US. I am in my senior year of Bachelors in Electrical Engineering here in India. I applied to a couple of quant courses at top colleges. I do not have any work experience though i did an internship for 2 months in an IT firm which provides finance related software to major Banks. Though i have a good GRE score it seems unlikely that i will get an admit this time. I havent taken any Finance related subjects ever as my course does not let me choose the subjects I take. Now if i want to get an admit next year or the next how and where do I start working towards it. I mean how do i develop a career in Finance now. I am thinking of taking up the CFA exams but i realise I need finance work experience for around 4 years to attain the level 3. So how can i land a job even remotely related to Finance with an Engineering Background ? I am a good programmer though and I also have great grades in Math through out college. Thank you. Any advice you can give will be much appreciated.
Thank you very much,

It is quite common for graduates from top Indian Engineering colleges to find finance related jobs in GS, MS and Nomura. In fact many Indians admitted to FE programs have had great work experience in the financial industry right after their undergrad. What is your undergrad institution?
i am from CBIT. Andhra Pradesh. How is that even possible ? i mean i do follow the business news and know a little about my finance but how can i land a job in the finance industry being from an industrial background ?
Thank you Ken.
I am an undergraduate student majoring in EEE. I have a lot of interest in maths and to some extent coding too...
I am unsure about Risk management or S&T as a future career.
Any advice from your side is highly appreciated so that I am not nebulous on the onset of my professional life (relevant internships et al)
To be more clear on my question:
I am thinking about an MFE but do not have the relevant background. I understand that I need to have a first hand experience of the roles I am talking about via internships in small firms( It's always best to work in a start up when you are just beginning and have a passion for learning)
What I am asking is which one would be better, How to decide on that?
because I need to look for an internship accordingly
I read a thread on this forum which talked about both the roles in details but I was pretty unclear over there too.
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