Hey guys,
I'm 17 years old going to high school in Sydney, Australia. I joined QN sometime last year, but haven't posted anything as of yet. I'm very interested in applied mathematics (planning on doing a Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) at the University of Sydney when I leave high school). I remember in year 8 (2008) I realised I wanted to become an Actuary, until only a month later one of my friends (graduating at the time) told me he was going to work for an IB in a "risk department". I did some research and found this "quant" profession and have been very interested ever since.
I've been reading as much as I can, for an overview of the quant culture (from books like How I Became a Quant, My Life as a Quant etc.) but also to get an actual sense of what quants do (currently reading through the Paul Wilmott on Quantitative Finance books as well as working my way through A Primer for the Mathematics of Financial Engineering by Dan Stefanica). I'm also trying to build up my technical skills, I have entered some school level
python competitions, and am in the process of learning
C++. I joined QN not for any MFE advice or career path advice (or anything of that sort as I'm a long way away for applying for anything like that) but more as a tool for learning. I enjoy the mature environment QuantNet has and all members significant contributions and look forward to becoming part of the forum (probably not in the mean time, but sooner or later).
Some interesting things (well I think they are interesting):
Firstly, I talked to Dan Stefanica (which to a young guy, talking to someone famous in the quant community is a big thing

) via the online forum thing Baruch held before admissions, and asked him about admission rates from people who live in Australia (stayed up until 4am just to send my message) and his response was something along the lines of "Sorry, we don't get enough applications from Australia to determine that", so I guess the whole MFE thing in Australia isn't so big hahaha.
Secondly, to some disbelief, I actually have *some* experience working with quants at a fairly big IB in Sydney. For 3 days I worked with quants in the Quant Equity section of Macquarie Bank working on editing some database stuff (not much but it was fun

My plan for the future, gain a Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) from the University of Sydney, then who knows what from there!
TLDR: Thanks to those who have contributed so much to QN and allowed me to learn as much as I have. Sorry for making such a long post!