Non Degeree Courses

  • Thread starter Thread starter logicz
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I am planning to join for part time MFE in Baruch in Fall-2009. Can I take few courses before I get admission as non degree courses, which can be later considered for my MFE degree, if I get admission in 2009.

Also, is it too late to apply for fall-2008 courses, if at all it is feasible?
Send an email to Prof. Stefanica with your questions.
You are way too late for 2008. The deadline was April 30, 2008.
My guess is that the answer to your first question would be NO. The program already started and besides, most students went through a 3-month boot camp during the summer prior to the classes so there is little chance you will be able to catch up with the materials.
My little experience with non-degree students sitting in MFE classes was that after the first month, most of them disappeared. The program is heavily customized so there is little chance anyone can just drop in and keep up.

Anyway, talk to the Director of the program. You will get much out of his input.
My little experience with non-degree students sitting in MFE classes was that after the first month, most of them disappeared.

This is an understatement. They usually go missing after the first couple of classes.
You should see the terrified looks in their eyes when they got the homework assignments. It's a mix of confused, scared, totally lost ;)
Seriously, we're not trying to scare you away, logicz. It is what it is.
Most people have no idea how hard the program at Baruch is until they start here. After the first few lectures, you will know if it's for you. No wonder, the drop out rate at Baruch is high.
Come to the open house and you likely will get invited to sit in one of the classes. You may not want to register for the courses until you see them first hand.
:) Andy, Alain, all these statements are really scary. But I have to admit, that's what it is.
Dan did invited some prospective students to sit in one or two classes, just to give them some flavor of what MFE is. I think Logicz should talk to Dan to sit in for one or two if possible, so that he will have the idea to take as non-degree or not.
I have heard that the financial engineering courses are very tough, but was eager to get my feet wet by attending few classes in this fall and spring if possible , before i enroll next year.i was thinking of taking Object Oriented Programming for Financial Applications in this fall, as I am a computer science engineering grad, with 4 years of experience in development and is confident with C++ and object oriented concept and thought that will be a safe bet.

I live in NYC, and is planning to do the course as part time. I know I need to do a lot of home work to catch up with people who have finance background who will be taking this course, but I find this forum as a great resource (I was impressed by the prompt and helpful response of my first post itself) and is going to work hard before I join next year to learn new skills that might help me in preparing for the class.

Looking forward to attending the Open House.
I can't attend the information session on 9/17 since I will be in the middle of the class.
will the information session on 9/17 and 10/16 be conducted the same manner ?
Thank you.
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