This is me:
Computer Engineer/ India/ 1 year exp. S/w Test Programming in Software services company
Great programmer and good at math
MBA/ India/ 2 years exp. Qualitative Financial Analysis in Financial Services Company (with gud pay by Indian standards)
Age 28
Interested in getting into Sales & Trading/ Hedge Funds in US/ UK - do not want to be just some programmer in the back office in a hedge fund though
Motivation: Want to make money in $
Should I go for a US masters at all (course starting in 2011) (meaning of course another student loan)?
If yes would u advise MFE (1 year) or MBA (2 years) or anything at all?
feel free to say whtevr comes to mind...incl that I'm a greedy hog
This is me:
Computer Engineer/ India/ 1 year exp. S/w Test Programming in Software services company
Great programmer and good at math
MBA/ India/ 2 years exp. Qualitative Financial Analysis in Financial Services Company (with gud pay by Indian standards)
Age 28
Interested in getting into Sales & Trading/ Hedge Funds in US/ UK - do not want to be just some programmer in the back office in a hedge fund though
Motivation: Want to make money in $
Should I go for a US masters at all (course starting in 2011) (meaning of course another student loan)?
If yes would u advise MFE (1 year) or MBA (2 years) or anything at all?
feel free to say whtevr comes to mind...incl that I'm a greedy hog