New York University - MS in Mathematics in Finance

NYU MSMF NYU Mathematics in Finance Admission Results

I don't mind sharing my background, but it's probably a bit nonstandard and therefore not very helpful to anyone here. But here goes...

Undergrad (Brown University): Bachelor of Science in Math (GPA: 3.80/Major GPA: 3.86)
Graduate School (UCLA): PhD in Math (GPA: 3.84)

I have done considerable self-study in financial math (I've completely worked through Shreve II and Joshi's book, and have completely worked through about 2/3 of Hull). I've also TA'd the math for finance course at my current graduate school (using Hull's book).

The GRE requirement was waived for me because of the PhD, and I have no work experience in the field at all.

Regarding housing, I will be moving with my (soon-to-be) wife, so I guess I already have a roommate haha. :) We live in LA right now and the rent is already insane....and then I look online and NY prices are in many places double the rent or more!

Have you looked at housing in Brooklyin/Queens? NYU is <20 mins from some parts of brooklyn and the rent will be MUCH cheaper!
Have you looked at housing in Brooklyin/Queens? NYU is <20 mins from some parts of brooklyn and the rent will be MUCH cheaper!

Haha I just got the admit yesterday,, I haven't looked hahaha. But I will look into that. Thank you very much! :)
Hey guys, how do we know our apps have been sent to admissions committee for review?
Is that the #3 email?
Also just to make sure, if we uploaded transcript online, there's no need to mail a hard copy right?
Hey guys, how do we know our apps have been sent to admissions committee for review?
Is that the #3 email?
Also just to make sure, if we uploaded transcript online, there's no need to mail a hard copy right?

No, there is a fourth email that confirms they've put all of your application together and have sent it to the department for review. That's the email where they give you a university ID and give you the website to track supporting materials that you sent (such as GRE scores of official transcripts). And regarding transcripts, yes you just upload them online. You will only need to mail them official copies if/when you are admitted.
No, there is a fourth email that confirms they've put all of your application together and have sent it to the department for review. That's the email where they give you a university ID and give you the website to track supporting materials that you sent (such as GRE scores of official transcripts). And regarding transcripts, yes you just upload them online. You will only need to mail them official copies if/when you are admitted.

Is that fourth email titled something like Application Acknowledgement? I looks like I got that email, but it doesn't say they put my app together and sent it to the dept for review. It just says the graduate school received my app, but no mention about the department receiving it. hmm... am I missing something here? Thanks again!
Is that fourth email titled something like Application Acknowledgement? I looks like I got that email, but it doesn't say they put my app together and sent it to the dept for review. It just says the graduate school received my app, but no mention about the department receiving it. hmm... am I missing something here? Thanks again!

No that's the fourth email I was talking about. The application acknowledgement email is the one that has your university ID number and everything. So if you have received that email, then regardless of whether or not they mention the department, that's the email that confirms they have your full application; the next step from there is the departmental review. So I guess, if you've received that fourth email, just wait for a reply from them regarding admission (which I realize is hard to do).
anyone received admissions today? according to tracker results can release usually thursdays or fridays
Unlike in the previous two years, there isn't a nail-biting finish this year until applicants receive the decision from NYU? Surprising. I thought there'd be people putting up posts about what to do with Columbia's 30 Mar deadline since NYU hasn't released most of their results yet.

Coz I certainly am wondering just that.

Have emailed NYU three times since the beginning of March. On the third time I even threw in a call to Melissa for good measure. Still haven't heard anything from them short of an acknowledgement that they've received my email. On the Columbia front, another QN member has emailed asking for an extension, but the request was rejected. All that remains to be done is to wait anxiously.

Anyone else in the same predicament, or just anyone else waiting for NYU? Let's commiserate here.
Unlike in the previous two years, there isn't a nail-biting finish this year until applicants receive the decision from NYU? Surprising. I thought there'd be people putting up posts about what to do with Columbia's 30 Mar deadline since NYU hasn't released most of their results yet.

Coz I certainly am wondering just that.

Have emailed NYU three times since the beginning of March. On the third time I even threw in a call to Melissa for good measure. Still haven't heard anything from them short of an acknowledgement that they've received my email. On the Columbia front, another QN member has emailed asking for an extension, but the request was rejected. All that remains to be done is to wait anxiously.

Anyone else in the same predicament, or just anyone else waiting for NYU? Let's commiserate here.

a couple of days ago e-mailed them and recieved a basic:
Dear Daniil,
Thank you for your email. We have no decision for you from the Admissions Committee at this moment since we have received so many applications that it takes some time to make final decisions. As you were informed before, we cannot guarantee a date by which your application will be reviewed and a decision made. You will be notified when a decision has been made.
Best wishes,
NYU Administrator

Now they have become the only university out of 17 (10 Msc programs and 7 PhD programs) I applied to which still hasn't answered :)
Umnik, here's the reply I got, twice:
Thank you for your email. Your New York University Department of Mathematics MS in Mathematics in Finance application is complete. We receive so many applications that it takes some time to make final decisions.Since you have been accepted by another program and need to hear from us, the admissions committee will try to review and evaluate your application before your other deadlines. We understand you may be faced with many choices and are eager to receive your decision from NYU. However, we cannot guarantee a date by which your application will be reviewed and a decision made. You will be notified when a decision has been made.

I guess we don't have much of a choice but to wait. In any case, if you decide to accept the offer to Columbia MAFN, chances are I'll see you there this fall.