NYU Tandon School of Engineering - MS in Financial Engineering

NYU Tandon MFE NYU Tandon MFE Admissions Discussion

Mine is unchanged/still there, also asked for an earlier admissions result because of a deadline but they said my "application is in its final stages of review with the faculty admissions committee" so hard to get a read on anything
My application checklist is still visible and regarding decision status box in top right corner -

Awaiting Decision

All required materials have been received by NYU Tandon. We are in the process of reviewing your documents. If we require additional information, we will contact you. You will receive an email notification when a decision has been posted.
I just got rejection. As mentioned before, 'awaiting decision' status and the checklist disappeared before the decision.
I just got rejected from this program. Has anyone tried to write appeal letters? Is this smthing worse a try? Thanks!
I just got rejected from this program. Has anyone tried to write appeal letters? Is this smthing worse a try? Thanks!
A rejection means that your application is not competitive considered the given applicant pool to that specific program.
There is no appeal. You need to improve your application and apply next year.
I just got rejected from this program. Has anyone tried to write appeal letters? Is this smthing worse a try? Thanks!
You got the rejection on a Saturday? Damn I thought the invites/ rejections are only sent on weekdays.
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