What's the best path to becoming a portfoli0 manager?
Say if I have three opportunities at hand:
quantitative research developer (equity, FX, etc, risk modeling, simulations, data analytics ...)
credit analytic developer (risk management, stochastic process, large scale distributed system, multithreading ...)
software engineer (everything related to computer science)
As a starting point, which one should I go with? I understand that I can switch in a couple of years if I don't like what I'll have been working on. But I just want to set off on the right foot so I don't waste too much time.
Any feedback would be appreciated.
Say if I have three opportunities at hand:
quantitative research developer (equity, FX, etc, risk modeling, simulations, data analytics ...)
credit analytic developer (risk management, stochastic process, large scale distributed system, multithreading ...)
software engineer (everything related to computer science)
As a starting point, which one should I go with? I understand that I can switch in a couple of years if I don't like what I'll have been working on. But I just want to set off on the right foot so I don't waste too much time.
Any feedback would be appreciated.