PDEs or Stochastic Process? - Question from an Econ&Fin Undergraduate

The option payoff acts as boundary (terminal) condition at expiry.

Perhaps the market professor will reply.
There are 4-5 other ways to compute boundary conditions. It's all a bit subtler than a payoff, Chapter 23 of my new book.

It was a flash in the pan : mprof was last seen in 2014...
A short history of PDE methods as applied in finance:
It is better to have 5 solutions to 1 problem that 1 solution for 5 problems (each problem has its own peculiarities and recipes may break down and then Plan B is needed). A big problem IMO is that the same old FDM models are being used on all problems (hammer and nail analogy).

18.2 Background and History

The two major categories of numerical methods for time-dependent partial differential equations are called Alternating Direction Implicit (ADI) method (Peaceman (1977), Roache (1998), Craig-Sneyd (1988)) and Locally One-Dimensional (LOD) or (Soviet) Splitting methods (Yanenko (1971), Marchuk (1982), Marchuk, Rusakov, Zalesny and Diansky (2005)). These methods originated in the 1960s in the USA and USSR, respectively and they were used to solve partial differential equations in reservoir engineering, fluid dynamics, heat transfer and nuclear engineering. The methods all have one thing in common: they decompose a multi-dimensional problem into a sequence of simpler one-dimensional problems. The differences are minor and non-essential and it is the author’s opinion that ADI is a special and somewhat clumsier sub-case of Splitting. Notwithstanding, ADI tends to be the term that is used in computational finance literature and applications. Historically, relatively few researchers have had exposure to Splitting method. Most of the original research was written in Russian in journals that were not readily accessible in the West. The author was fortunate in that he did have knowledge of, and access to the relevant sources.

To our knowledge, splitting methods applied to computational finance were first introduced in Duffy (2006). The first production application is discussed in Davidson and Levin (2014) in which the authors use the Marchuk four-cycle modification of Crank-Nicolson splitting method (see chapter 22 where we introduce Marchuk’s method) to value mortgage-backed securities (MBS) under a two-factor Gaussian rate model consisting of a short rate and a slope factor. These factors are uncorrelated. Second-order monotone schemes are produced. Another notable application is discussed in Sheppard (2007) in which splitting is applied to the Heston stochastic volatility model. The author used Duffy exponential fitting for the convection-diffusion term and Yanenko’s method for the mixed derivative term.

In general, we prefer LOD to ADI because it is more robust, is easy to program and it has been successfully applied to various kinds of applications in computational finance (see for example, Sheppard (2007) where LOD is used to price options in the Heston stochastic volatility model and for which ADI didn’t perform as expected). We have more anecdotal examples and for this reason we do not discuss ADI (at least, ADI classic) in this book.
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Interesting, if trades effected based on indicators such as mean-reverting implied volatility in your example above, were manageable by a human trader in terms of volumes and frequency, I reckon that trader would be following Technical Analysis
While a signal could be based on technical analysis, it is more general.
There are 4-5 other ways to compute boundary conditions. It's all a bit subtler than a payoff, Chapter 23 of my new book.

It was a flash in the pan : mprof was last seen in 2014...
Yes well for a European option the method is just to transform the Black-Scholes equation into a heat equation with annexed BC, then you can solve it in close form through Fourier transform and the solution is the Black-Scholes formula. There is something similar with the Black formula if working with forwards.
For more complicated products I'll concur numeric solutions need to be derived.

Do you also treat finite differences schemes for hyperbolic equations in your book? Riemann Discontinuity problems, Flux splitting schemes, Lax-Friederich scheme, Chakravarty-Osher ... that's the most interesting stuff, where Fortran is still heavily used. But I don't see them in the table of contents.
1) Yes well for a European option the method is just to transform the Black-Scholes equation into a heat equation with annexed BC, then you can solve it in close form through Fourier transform and the solution is the Black-Scholes formula. There is something similar with the Black formula if working with forwards.
For more complicated products I'll concur numeric solutions need to be derived.

2) Do you also treat finite differences schemes for hyperbolic equations in your book? Riemann Discontinuity problems, Flux splitting schemes, Lax-Friederich scheme, Chakravarty-Osher ... that's the most interesting stuff, where Fortran is still heavily used. But I don't see them in the table of contents.

1) You mean, 1 factor? this approach is limited. It's a 1-trick pony. Besides, it has an analytical solution, so why bother?
2) no, because they don't crop up in finance. Lax-Friedrichs is only for advection PDE and is not unconditionally stable. Lax-Wendroff is mentioned for Asian option PDE..

These threads are beginning to feel like FAQ. cargo cult.
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1) You mean, 1 factor? this approach is limited. It's a 1-trick pony. Besides, it has an analytical solution, so why bother?
2) no, because they don't crop up in finance. Lax-Friedrichs is only for advection PDE and is not unconditionally stable. Lax-Wendroff is mentioned for Asian option PDE..

These threads are beginning to feel like FAQ. cargo cult.
1) Do you need more than one factor for a vanilla European option? Because that's what I was talking about.
You get to the BS formula ("analytical solution") by solving the BS equation (transforming into a heat equation).
2) If something akin to supersonic conservation laws don't crop up in finance, then why bother writing 2 books (one in 2006 and one now) on the same, less interesting subject of subsonic schemes? And not even a second edition of the same book, but a totally new one.
1) Do you need more than one factor for a vanilla European option? Because that's what I was talking about.
You get to the BS formula ("analytical solution") by solving the BS equation (transforming into a heat equation).
2) If something akin to supersonic conservation laws don't crop up in finance, then why bother writing 2 books (one in 2006 and one now) on the same, less interesting subject of subsonic schemes? And not even a second edition of the same book, but a totally new one.
That's for me to know and you to find out.
Besides, it's all in the preface I posted here last Friday. Of course, you read it.
You like supersonic conservation laws, so you do, what's special? Concorde V2?
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You like supersonic conservation laws, so you do, what's special? Concorde V2?
It's not that I *like* gas dynamics schemes, we are not talking pastries.
Their inclusion would justify a second edition of your finite difference book of 2006 (let alone a new book). But yes they don't fit well in Finance.
Draw your own conclusions.
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