Ph.d math finance in UK or USA

I am considering Ph.d program in UK or USA. I know that Ph.d program in UK take only 3 years,while in USA you take at least 5 years.

Is it worthwhile for two extra years to achieve Ph.d in USA?
If you want to be do research, then the more time spent doing your PhD (within reason) the better. If you don't want to do research, and just want to get a PhD for the certificate, then don't do it.

So in general, a 5 year PhD >> 3 year PhD. Except that in the US, you spend two years doing coursework and 3 years doing research, so it just depends on how much more stomach you have for doing exams.
*Snort of derision* -- to earn the PhD in the UK in three years, you have to hit the ground running. I've known many doctoral students whose grant money ran out after three years but who were still years away from producing a doctoral dissertation that would pass muster. If you're planning to do a British PhD, come with a good master's.
In general, after 4 years of attending lectures and classwork, IMO you should start learning on your own, especially in mathematics. 3 years is enough for a PhD. There is less spoon-feeding which has both advantages and disadvantages.

The 2 years coursework could be shifted to a 4 year undergraduate degree.

If you want to be do research, then the more time spent doing your PhD (within reason) the better.
PhD is just a stepping stone. The real stuff comes later.

If you're planning to do a British PhD, come with a good master's.
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