Phd Economics

I have seen on the various job boards that a phd in econ (assuming a concentration in econometrics) is acceptable for Stat Arb jobs. How is it regarded in other quant areas? Is it possible to get general quant jobs with a phd in econ, or are you at disadvantage to a math, statistics phd.

If so what areas does a phd in econ give a good chance of being hired? Thanks .
As long as you are able to answer the questions they will ask you, there is no disadvantage. Keep in mind they will come at you from every angle and they expect you to know the heavy duty math regardless. Ah, and they probably expect you to know how to code as well. Maybe they don't require you to code in C++ but they would like you to code in Matlab, SAS, S+ or R. They will expect you to learn C++/some other lang later. That's very common on Stat Arb desks.
Thanks. I consider strong c++, matlab, sas necessary, but for clarification I was assuming that I have the required programming skills.

So in your opinion there isnt really one area where the econ phd is more useful/desirable, as long as you show them you can handle the work?

BTW, when I interviewed at my current job they asked me econometric questions .
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