Phd in Finance or Financial Engineering?

PhDWill is it correct that the career progression is: analyst, associate, senior associate, managing director, principal, director? Could someone start form associate with a Phd?
PhDWill is it correct that the career progression is: analyst, associate, senior associate, managing director, principal, director? Could someone start form associate with a Phd?
If you land in a hedge fund, depending on which one, career progression is survival.

If you land in a big bank, if it's any good you need to be better than the bottom 5% to stick around but promotions will come from how good you are and how good you are and how good you communicate, aka sell, your ideas.
The progression is roughly as follows.

You will first apply for a Ph.D. programs at Stanford, Harvard, Yale and Princeton. You will say you have no idea what you want to study or what you want to do and you want to do a Ph.D. only because it sounds super cool to have a Ph.D. Also don't forget to say that you are not interested in academia and you only want Ph.D. to get into a top brand name hedge fund afterwards. They will be deeply impressed by your story and all of them will give you the offer with 500K dollars per year scholarship, so you can get used to what life as a hedge fund manager will be like after you finish the degree.

Once you effortlessly finish the degree, be prepared to receive multiple offer from the top hedge funds in the world. In the entry position, you will work maybe 8 hours per day (usually not that much though) and earn 10M dollars in good years and only 5M dollars in bad years. But given the fact that you will have a Ph.D. from top school, you will most likely skip the entry level position and they will make you a managing director right after school. As a MD you will be earning few hundred million dollars every year and your main responsibilities will be flying your private jet between your mansions all over the world, meeting top models, partying and so. If you saw Wolf of Wall Street, you can get a good idea of what your life will be like.

Once you are in this position, don't forget about all the people on this forum who helped you and occasionally invite us for a party in one of your mansions!

... seriously, get your head out of the clouds and get a real life game plan.
You forgot to mention the cars. Taking care of them can be a real bother. Stop sugarcoating things.
Just curious...
The progression is roughly as follows.

You will first apply for a Ph.D. programs at Stanford, Harvard, Yale and Princeton. You will say you have no idea what you want to study or what you want to do and you want to do a Ph.D. only because it sounds super cool to have a Ph.D. Also don't forget to say that you are not interested in academia and you only want Ph.D. to get into a top brand name hedge fund afterwards. They will be deeply impressed by your story and all of them will give you the offer with 500K dollars per year scholarship, so you can get used to what life as a hedge fund manager will be like after you finish the degree.

Once you effortlessly finish the degree, be prepared to receive multiple offer from the top hedge funds in the world. In the entry position, you will work maybe 8 hours per day (usually not that much though) and earn 10M dollars in good years and only 5M dollars in bad years. But given the fact that you will have a Ph.D. from top school, you will most likely skip the entry level position and they will make you a managing director right after school. As a MD you will be earning few hundred million dollars every year and your main responsibilities will be flying your private jet between your mansions all over the world, meeting top models, partying and so. If you saw Wolf of Wall Street, you can get a good idea of what your life will be like.

Once you are in this position, don't forget about all the people on this forum who helped you and occasionally invite us for a party in one of your mansions!

... seriously, get your head out of the clouds and get a real life game plan.
Hey David! Just curious! What's your life plan and/or what do you do? Some people in these forums are young and from economic disaster areas and/or dire poverty so the world of finance is a black box to them. But if people like you share what you do, how you formulated a plan, and how you became successful, it might be easier for them to get their heads out of their asses, as you put it.