Poster presentation = resume booster?

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Hey Quantnet forum,

This is Donny here, Duke '12, hedge fund developer 1+ years. May I have your quick take on the following.

Assuming I was given the opportunity to have a poster presentation on my original trading idea at one of the leading quant trading conferences, should I do it? It is not being a speaker at a designated slot (that will boost resume for sure) but one of those small corners in the lobby given to me.

Please factor this in. The conference is in New York and I'm in Asia. Does flying 18 hours there and back justify that one additional line I'll have on my resume, along with possibly some networking along the way.

You completely miss the point. Presenting a poster is not for boosting your resume. Presenting a poster is for speaking to people and advertising yourself i.e. networking. For networking, it is one of the best ways to advertise yourself and your work. However, one small problem is that presenting a poster is a little bit amateurish. I don't know what the situation in finance is, but in academia if you are anything more than a first year PhD student then you should have enough quality content to do a presentation. A presentation is also an even better way to advertise yourself and network if you do it properly.

By the way, I and nobody else cares if you went to Duke, so you can stop signing your forum posts with that information.
Hey Barny,

Thanks for your honest response. I would agree with you that anything less than a presentation for 2nd year PhD students and beyond will come across as amateurish. I just hold a Bachelors so in a way I'm actually quite excited if this upcoming poster presentation comes through. You know, that milestone which you slowly hit when you think you know enough to teach others.

I'll consider carefully your response. I like doing my research but my initial motivation for flying all the way to New York for this is for that one liner on my resume which may (but I'm guessing for your response, may not) impress future employers. In case you are wondering, it's quantitative trading, hidden markov models applied to currency markets.

As for displaying my school name, it's out of habit. I will heed your advice on proper etiquette.

That's what I'm kind of attempting now.

While note entirely clear of the difference in standards required for poster presentation, talk presentation and paper publishing, which I assume for now increases in that order, I'll take what I can get.

I have alway associated paper publishing as a formulation of an original theory. And the other two is closer towards using other theories and applying them, something which I'm more familiar with.
You can publish papers on using theories and applying them. Indeed this is what most papers focus on, in academia and in finance. From your response, I would be really worried about the originality of your work. Do a thorough, thorough literature review. Usually, a poster or presentation is an opportunity to advertise work that you are intending to, or have already published.
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