Hello, could you please evaluate my profile:
B.E Civil engineering from India
Overall gpa of 2.6 (65.1%) which is good in my university
However I have very bad Math scores, due to a period of lack of focus in my undergrad, which I now strongly regret.
GMAT: 710 (Q 49, V 37 AWA 5.5)
I have two years experience: 3 months working in software, 1.7 months in civil engg.
Very proficient in C, C++, JAVA, SQL but have no certifications to support it other than my 3 months work experience in software industry
The catch:
I am very passionate about finance - I am already enrolled in financial engineering program in Chicago from Aug 2010. However this program is not at all well-ranked. The reason I came here, was the hefty scholarship. I really needed the scholarship.
However, I am not happy with it, and due to some change in my personal background, can now afford to attend a premier program.
At my current school, I feel that I am wasting my potential.
I have secured 3.33 GPA in my current MSF program.
I do not seek to transfer credits. If it is possible I will be happy, but more than anything I want to get into a premier program where I can prove myself.
Baruch MFE fits all my requirements, problem is do I fill theirs?
Is my current enrollment in a MFS program and enrollmnet for CFA level I enough to demonstrate my passion for Quantitative finance?
I think I can explain the career change quite strongly in my essays.
Btw during my 3.33 GPA in last semester I have got an A on Financial Modeling and B on Quantitative Analysis and Mathematics in Finance.
I am taking courses like Options, Futures and other derivatives, Financial Statement Analysis and Portfolio Management this term.
Also, I am pretty late in applying. What do you think of my chances for the program?
And which factors should i highlight more in the application?
Will my low maths scores in undergrad prove detrimental?
B.E Civil engineering from India
Overall gpa of 2.6 (65.1%) which is good in my university
However I have very bad Math scores, due to a period of lack of focus in my undergrad, which I now strongly regret.
GMAT: 710 (Q 49, V 37 AWA 5.5)
I have two years experience: 3 months working in software, 1.7 months in civil engg.
Very proficient in C, C++, JAVA, SQL but have no certifications to support it other than my 3 months work experience in software industry
The catch:
I am very passionate about finance - I am already enrolled in financial engineering program in Chicago from Aug 2010. However this program is not at all well-ranked. The reason I came here, was the hefty scholarship. I really needed the scholarship.
However, I am not happy with it, and due to some change in my personal background, can now afford to attend a premier program.
At my current school, I feel that I am wasting my potential.
I have secured 3.33 GPA in my current MSF program.
I do not seek to transfer credits. If it is possible I will be happy, but more than anything I want to get into a premier program where I can prove myself.
Baruch MFE fits all my requirements, problem is do I fill theirs?
Is my current enrollment in a MFS program and enrollmnet for CFA level I enough to demonstrate my passion for Quantitative finance?
I think I can explain the career change quite strongly in my essays.
Btw during my 3.33 GPA in last semester I have got an A on Financial Modeling and B on Quantitative Analysis and Mathematics in Finance.
I am taking courses like Options, Futures and other derivatives, Financial Statement Analysis and Portfolio Management this term.
Also, I am pretty late in applying. What do you think of my chances for the program?
And which factors should i highlight more in the application?
Will my low maths scores in undergrad prove detrimental?