profile evaluation!!!suggest safe colleges for mfe

hi all,
my name is srinivas.
i am currently pursuing my btech(production) in
NIT(National institute of technology )-Trichy
Gre Quant-168
Gre Verbal-154
TOEFL -105
Have done a couple of projects in MATHEMATICAL MODELLING in
IIT(Indian institute of technology)-Madas (total project duration 4 months)
So,I kindly request someone to suggest a few universities where my profile has a chance of gettin an admit(Financial engineering)
Using upper case is not etiket AFAIK. It look likes emails you get offering you money..

Keep the exclamation marks under control as well.
You should change it. I am getting a headache just trying to read your first post.
your profile is the same as thousands of other students.

what separates you? why do you want to do this degree?
your profile is the same as thousands of other students.

what separates you? why do you want to do this degree?
thanx for ur concern
the motivation behind my choice of doing a masters in financial engineering are:
1. i love math and i dont get bored doing it all day
2. enjoy c++ programming(very good programming skill)
3. hope to pursue a career in a field that i enjoy doing and which throws at me new challenges every day
thus, i feel that i have the right mix of motivation and the skill set required to excel in this course.
okay. those reasons sound like those given by thousands of other applicants.

not trying to be harsh; it's just true. you should do some research on what it is you'd be doing and why and have a good, long think about whether the degree is right for you. it's not easy to land jobs anymore, so it'd make sense to save yourself the expense, time, and effort if finance isn't really your passion.
I agree with mfegrad here.
Love for maths is different from love for finance. If you really "dont get bored doing it all day" why haven't you thought about data analytic. Its upcoming field. My suggestion: try to get a job/internship to get the feel and know where you would fit in best. And yes your profile is like other applicants. and It has been pointed out several times in this forum as well as institutes websites high gpa + no finance exposure = not a great profile for mfe. Thus to answer your question: "No school is a safe school for you". And the lower ranking schools that might admit you might not be safe for your career. A year of experience only boost your chances + you'd find correct reason to do mfe.
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