I really hate to post this here and not in the program evaluation thread, but I feel like I will get a more timely response this way. Again, I apologize. Basically, I'm a sophomore at Eastern Michigan University (non-target, i repeat non-target) and am a math major/cs minor. By the time I graduate I will have taken calc 1-3, differential equations, linear algebra, modeling with linear algebra, calculus-based probability and statistics I, applied statistics, math proofs, real analysis, and numerical analysis. I will have taken a fair amount of cs classes too (intro to programming, programming data structures, programming languages which includes C++, computer organization, discrete structures, internet-based computing, and algorithms/data structures). As far as classes relating to finance I am quite barren (micro/macro econ, financial/managerial accounting, and a class on financial economics). These are the only classes I have time for. As i mentioned before I am only a sophomore, but I've done well (4.0 GPA so far) with calc 1-3/intro to programming. I am in math club, plan to participate in a university co-operative education program (1 year total experience) applying math to work at an industrial firm, plan to participate in my university's undergraduate research program as a junior/senior. The time the co-op program will give me off from school I plan to pass the CFA L1 exam as well. My question is (i know i'm really early in this whole process) if i maintain a high enough GPA and get a good GRE score am I setting myself up to get into one of the TOP MFE programs? Is there anything else I should do? I come from a public university with a not so great reputation (transferring is not an option) so I know this puts me at a great disadvantage. I'm a domestic student by the way. I was thinking about staying at my university and getting my masters in combined math/cs (special program they have here, 18ish credit hours in each subject) to strengthen my application. Any feedback on the multiple questions I asked would be greatly appreciated. Sorry for the longggg post.