Zeuge Joined 8/26/11 Messages 175 Points 28 3/2/12 #1 http://projecteuler.net/ Have any of you guys tried some of the problems here? What do you think?
A Aaron Wong Joined 6/18/11 Messages 50 Points 18 3/2/12 #2 I've finished like 35 of them or so. Haven't had much time lately but they are fun.
Andy Nguyen Joined 5/2/06 Messages 12,531 Points 273 3/2/12 #3 They are a great way to keep your math/programming/braincells fresh.
TBeas Joined 11/15/10 Messages 143 Points 28 3/2/12 #4 I use them to learn new languages. I think they are pretty useful.