Hi all,
I am very new to both swaps and QuantLib, I have had a look at the pricing demo spreadsheet using QL as an .xll, I have a couple of questions about pricing swaps however.
I understand the basic concept of a swap (with a fixed and floating leg), however, after you have constructed a discount curve with the deposit/swap helpers in QL you have the NPV of the fixed leg. For the floating leg, however, you need the estimated forward rate.
I am a little confused about the classes such as (qlEuribor), used in the example, which takes inputs (ObjectID,Tenor(6M),YieldCurve(from bootstrap),Permanent,Trigger). After generation of the yield curve, what does the qlEuribor class do with just the Tenor and Yieldcruve? does it extract the forward rate from the yield curve? and is this pricing a swap using the Euribor rate? i.e would you switch the class to qlLibor to price using Libor?
Many thanks,
I am very new to both swaps and QuantLib, I have had a look at the pricing demo spreadsheet using QL as an .xll, I have a couple of questions about pricing swaps however.
I understand the basic concept of a swap (with a fixed and floating leg), however, after you have constructed a discount curve with the deposit/swap helpers in QL you have the NPV of the fixed leg. For the floating leg, however, you need the estimated forward rate.
I am a little confused about the classes such as (qlEuribor), used in the example, which takes inputs (ObjectID,Tenor(6M),YieldCurve(from bootstrap),Permanent,Trigger). After generation of the yield curve, what does the qlEuribor class do with just the Tenor and Yieldcruve? does it extract the forward rate from the yield curve? and is this pricing a swap using the Euribor rate? i.e would you switch the class to qlLibor to price using Libor?
Many thanks,